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13-02 ISM Beitlahem report
by Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003 at 2:56 PM mail:

ISM Activists to Support Bethlehem Community in Resisting House Demolition

Last night Israeli soldiers broke into a house on the edge of the Aida Refugee Camp, on the outskirts of Bethlehem, terrorising the families who lived in the house, smashing furniture, slashing clothing and generally vandalising everything on which they could lay their hands, while the three families who resided in the building were forced to wait outside in the cold. Then they took the building's measurements and those of an adjoining house lived in by a grandmother. Before they left they informed the residents of the two buildings that they would be back later to finish the job and destroy the houses.

This morning the families are evacuating their remaining belongings from the houses with the help of their neighbours while the community is discussing ways in which the demolition might be resisted. ISM activists in Bethlehem, though thin on the ground, are also mobilising to support the families and at least two activists will stay in the house tonight in solidarity.

Though the soldiers said they would be back to demolish the house, it is by no certain when they will return. Similar threats were made against a house in Dheisha Refugee Camp four months ago but the house has yet to be demolished. This is consistent with the Israeli Army's campaign of psychological warfare against Palestinian civilians: the terror is practiced in a deliberately unpredictable fashion to confuse the people and sap their will to resist.

For further information contact:
Kristen on 059 357 526 or 067 341 268.
ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour
Occupied Palestine
Phone: +972-2-2774602
Cell: +972-67-628439

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