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fonte NBC4, altri 27 arresti venerdė mattina ora locale a Los Angeles
by livorno rossa international Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:30 PM mail:

le ultime da LA fonte mainstream. La foto č l'unica disponibile di quello che NBC4 chiama homefront Los Angeles

fonte NBC4, altri 27...
1quietfront.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x150

27 arresti venerdi' mattina ora locale da aggiungersi ai 12 di ieri sempre a Los Angeles
Nessun video disponibile. Link per servizio NBC4 sull' Homefront Los Angeles (qui c'č il video)

l'articolo sugli arresti:

Dozens Of Arrests At War Protest In Front Of Federal Building

UPDATED: 1:59 p.m. PST March 21, 2003

LOS ANGELES -- Twenty-seven people were arrested Friday morning for blocking the street in front of the Los Angeles Federal Building.

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As demonstrators cheered, police in faceshields took away protesters one by one after they had linked arms and sat in the street.

One of those arrested is 45-year-old Vanessa Acosta of Highland Park. She knelt in the street and prayed the rosary. She held a sign saying: "Peace is the first casualty in war." She held her hands together in prayer as she was led away.

The arrestees are among about 100 people who took part in what was called an "Interfaith Worship for Peace" that included Catholics, Jews, Muslims and others.

They said prayers and sang the old protest song "We Shall Not Be Moved." Some held signs saying "God weeps" and "Thou shall not kill."

They marched around the Federal Building at 8 a.m. Arrests began two hours later.

In West Los Angeles, five people waved American flags in front of the French Consulate to protest that country's opposition to the war.

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