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ISM report
by ISM >>> kry Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at 11:36 AM mail:

Israeli Army Kills Unarmed Palestinian Boy, Wounds Three Others Tulkarem Radhika 27 May 03

Israeli forces shot and killed sixteen-year-old Mohammed Nazim Amin Mahmoud, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates while he was coming home from school at approximately 10:30AM in downtown Tulkarem today.
ISM volunteers witnessed the soldiers denying passage to the
ambulance until the boy bled to death. Minutes later, Israeli Forces shot Achmed Aatef Abu Zena, aged 16, with a live bullet in the head. Doctors report no brain damage but he remains in critical condition. Seven-year-old Moyad Barakat sustained rubber-bullet wounds to his stomach and is currently undergoing treatment at Thabit Thabit Hospital in Tulkarem.

Again at 11:20AM soldiers shot 15-year-old Anass Eyad Farhanen the eye.

Tulkarem has been under heavy curfew for the past four days during which time Israeli Forces have invaded the refugee camp, conducted house-to-house searches and occupied refugees' homes. Three families, including two infants and an elderly woman with a heart condition have reported being locked in a kiosk unable to receive medical care or milk for the children.

Jenin Incursion

ISM volunteers report that the entire city of Jenin is currently under curfew.
Military forces entered the camp roughly around 5 AM this morning.
There are at least 8 tanks and 6 armored personnel carriers in Jenin. There are two tanks located on Haifa street and one tank in the city center.
A greater presence is stationed throughout the city but witnesses are unable to assess the extent of the occupation at this time.
The military has been firing shots as a means of imposing the curfew and have established checkpoints in various locations of the city.

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by mazzetta Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at 3:24 PM mail:

ancora questi palestinesi sempre sulla linea di tiro!
ma non hanno altro da fare?
c'è chi sostiene che i genitori palestinesi lancino i giovani figli sulla traiettoria degli spari di Haaretz per diffamare Israele, che scorretteza, invece di morire in pace ed in silenzio continuano a rompere le scatole al civilissimo e democratico esercito di Israele che li protegge dalle cattive compagnie, che mancanza di gusto!

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by No Intifada? No Party! Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at 3:37 PM mail:

Qualcuno mi deve spiegare perché i palestinesi continuano a sparare e a tirare sassi contro l'IDF quando sono in corso delle trattative di pace. Se spari o provochi un uomo armato corri il rischio che questo risponda, o no?

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eh si
by carlo Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at 3:43 PM mail:

la lotta armata e' nel sangue dei palestinesi..non cancelleranno mai l'odio verso gli israeliani,perche' gli unici israeliani che conoscono sono soldati..

Ma perche' i genitori non li mandano a scuola?perche' non li fanno studiare?
perche' gli insegnano a costruire bombe?

ma che pace!!questi non sanno cos'e' la pace!

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x mah
by mazzetta Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at 4:32 PM mail:

mica stava tirando i sassi, andava appunto a scuola, arieggia il cervello va' la'

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