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fascisti e polizia non fermeranno la lotta
by @narcocilista Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003 at 1:19 PM mail:

a TOLOSA dopo varie provocazioni dei padroni c'è stato un'assalto a una sede del sindacato cnt come avvertimento per i lavoratori che stanno bloccando la francia contro le riforme A Sofia invece la massa critica diretta al metting dell'unione europea è stata fermata dalla violenza della polizia bulgara

Francia: attentato contro uffici CNT-AIT a Tolosa (fr,en)
From (Flow System)
Date Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:56:44 +0200 (CEST)

A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E

Da: CNT AIT <>

La situazione sociale in Francia è in un momento alquanto
particolare. Da molti mesi ci sono manifestazioni e scioperi
dappertutto, particolarmente nel settore del pubblico impiego e

Il sindacato locale CNT-AIT di Tolosa è attivo nel movimento di
scioperi e manifestazioni nella "Città delle rose" già da molti
mesi. Nelle manifestazioni, lo spezzone unitario dei libertari
(su iniziativa del CGA [*] e CNT-AIT) generalmente contano tra
100 e 300 persone, con slogans per "lo sciopero generale contro
il Capitale".

Il 5 giugno l'assemblea generale dei lavoratori/trici in
sciopero e i sindacati hanno deciso di bloccare la città, di
"uccidere" la città. Abbiamo organizzato dei picchetti ai varchi
della città. Questo non è andato giù ai potenti reazionari e
così durante la giornata precedente al blocco, si sono
verificate molte provocazioni contro i/le lavoratori/trici per
far sì che il blocco degenerasse nella violenza. E' stata anche
organizzata una contramanifestazione cercando di stuzzicare i
scioperanti. Per tutta la giornata, un camion che lanciava
slogans di insulto contro i scioperi ha girato per la città e
l'atmosfera è diventata sempre più tesa.

Nella notte prima dell'azione di blocco è stato vandalizzato il
palazo che ospita i nostri uffici. Un cartello fissato alla
porta diceva "succede così a chi paralizza il paese".

Me non ci lasceremo intimidire! La CNT-AIT e i suoi militanti
continueranno a partecipare in modo attivo alle assemblee
generali, al movimento degli scioperi e alle manifestazioni!

Le pensioni, lo stato sociale, la riduzione finanziaria: non c'è
niente da trattare ... è tutto da buttare!

Sciopero generale!

(*) Confederazione di Gruppi Anarchici, usciti dalla Federazione
Anarchica francofono in seguito alla decisione di alcuni gruppi
dellla FA di sostenere il voto a Chirac nel 2002.

[trad.- nmcn/ainfos]
The caravan to Thesaloniki harassed - Fashist face of bulgarian border police
Date Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:52:33 +0200 (CEST)

Bycicle caravan Openup travelling through Balkan countries
to protest at the EU Summit in Thessaloniki were brutally
stopped at the Bulgarian border. This was yesterday but
they are still on the border.
Hey here a repotrt of what happensat the border
We arrived on 3. June at 7 pm at the border and left the
serbian line of the border. We drive with lorry and tractor
and 19 cyclists to the controlport of the bulgarian border.
the bulgarian police wants to know how much we are and then
they did until 9 pm nothing.

Every time when we tried to get in contact to the police
they dont listen to us. THen they said, we should leave the
border and built a line of 20 armed cops with sticks. We
tried to discuss and then we believed in the words of one
officer whos said, all is allright, we can enter, we only
have to give our passports.

So, we did. THen they wanted us to show our cash money. Of
course we have not very much with us and then we showd them
our creditcards. The policeofficer refused and answered,
the next possibility where we can use this is in Sofia and
we need money for the way to sofia. He wants to see about
1000 Euro per each person, otherwise he dont wants to let
us in. Then suddenly we get back our passport with a mark
within, which says that we entered bulgaria and was

We asked for what, but they only said, we have to leave
immediately. They dont give us the answer about the law,
which says that we need to show 1000 Euro each. The officer
only said, we disturbed the bulgarian law and therefore we
have to leave the border back to serbia. then some other
policeman formed a line behind us and refused some of us,
who wants go back.

So we are surrounded. About 10 pm a women translated
something. but she only said, we have to go because we
disturb the traffic, while we are at the border, and for
this disturbation we are nor allowed to enter. And she said
this is because a bulgarian law, but she said, that the
police is not able to explain the law. The situation
becomes strange. Some policeman are playing with their
sticks others take a chair and sit down beside a parol "no
border, no nation", written on a wall.

After some time the law of entryrefusing changes At about
11 pm we have to show 300 Euro each and per day, so the
amount of money increased.

We told them that they break international law, but they
said, we disturb
the traffic now.

After some time they found an additional reason for
refusing our entry. It
was because we have no medicine for our trip in bulgaria
with us. Which kind of medicine it was, they dont said.

Then we told them sthat we are invited by group in Sofia.
then they said,
may be it works with this invitation. Then suddenly the
chief of the bordrrcops arrived. It was Mr. BorislaV
Sokolov. After few seeconds he became very angry went to
one of us, who touched a piece of a borderstick with his
feet and spit him in the face. He says some shit, which
seems to be that he is proud to be a bulgarian and we are
only pigs, who dont respect bulgaria. While this his
facecoulour change
to red.

Then he goes back talked a while with his mobile came back
and said he has checked, that there dont exist a bulgarian
group which invites us to come.

Then we phoned to our contact in Sofia and tried to give
him the mobile. but he refused to speak with this contact
because in his opinion there dont exist any group which
invites us.

But then he becames great. He said That we can enter the
next day when we get an invitation. But it only works, when
the group send this invitation to the serbian border. Then
it is necessary for our entry, that a policemen of the
serbian part of the border gives him the invitationfax
personally. So we made the proposal, to give him directly
the invitation or that he get this directly by the group in
Sofia. He refused, because the borderpolice has no
faxmachine and he wants to get this invitationfax from a
serbian borderpoliceman. Then he put policeman with dogs to
us and said if we dont go they will force us.

First thepolicemen will beat us then they will shoot at us.
While this the fighting dogs are barking. The number of
policemen increased to 40 people.

Then we left the borderregion. While this withdraw
bulgarian policeman entered serbian territory. Now we camp
1 km in front of the serbian part of the border on a
parkingplace nearby servis stations. Now we have the
invitations and try to crossd the border at 1 clock pm

It would be great, if people from the list can distribute
this mail and
upload it to diiferent sites.

Please get in contact to some medias and tell them whats up
at this borderpoint Dimitrovgrad


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