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M.O.: l'IDF ferisce manifestanti vicino Ramallah
by gap Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 10:18 AM mail:

fonte: Ha'Aretz ( / traduz.: gap

Sei feriti, tra cui due israeliani, in una protesta contro il Muro.

Nella giornata di mercoledi, soldati dell'IDF hanno ferito quattro palestinesi e due israeliani durante una manifestazione di protesta in un'area in cui sarà costruito il muro di separazione (Muro dell'Apartheid ndt), secondo quanto riferito da testimoni.
Due israeliani della polizia di frontiera sono stati inoltre feriti da sassi lanciati dai manifestanti.

Secondo la radio israeliana, martedi i bulldozer erano entrati nel villaggio palestinese cristiano di Burdos, vicino Ramallah, per preparare il terreno per un nuovo segmento del Muro.

Sempre secondo la radio, gli scontri sono iniziati già martedi quando qualche dozzina di manifestanti sono sopraggiunti sul posto per tentare di fermare la distruzione di un uliveto da parte dei bulldozer.

Nell'incidente di mercoledi circa cinquecento manifestanti hanno lanciato sassi contro i bulldozer. Le forze di sicurezza hanno risposto con lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma.

Fonti dell'esercito riportano che durante l'incidente i soldati hanno utilizzato "armi non letali" e non munizioni per disperdere i manifestanti.

Almeno sei persone, secondo la radio israeliana, sono stati arrestati.

Questo è il secondo incidente in cinque giorni in cui i soldati dell'IDF aprono il fuoco contro i manifestanti riuniti in protesta contro il Muro. Già lo scorso 26 dicembre, i soldati avevano sparato ferendo un attivista israeliano e un'americana.

Jonathan Pollak, membro dell'organizzazione "Anarchici israeliani contro il muro" ha dichiarato che durante l'incidente di mercoledi i soldati hanno colpito principalmente i manifestanti palestinesi ma anche israeliani e stranieri.

Secondo quando riportato da Pollak alla Reuters, diversi manifestanti palestinesi sono stati arrestati così come anche quattro israeliani, inclusa una donna ferita e quattro stranieri non ancora identificati.

Tra i manifestanti stranieri anche membri dell'International Solidarity Movement e dell'International Women's Peace service.

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Media Alert dell'ISM sulla manifestazione a Budrus
by ISM Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 2:14 PM mail:

Continued Non-violent Resistance to Land Confiscation is Met with

[Budrus, Ramallah]

Early reports are that villagers from Budrus, and their Israeli and
International supporters, made a peaceful march onto Budrus lands
that are set to be destroyed for the construction of the Israeli
Apartheid Wall. Protesters were met by the Israeli army who
physically assaulted the men, women and children present and opened
fire on the crowd with over 100 rubber bullets aimed at people's
heads. Tear gas was also fired. There are many injuries and
approximately 10 people have been taken to the hospital. At least 4
Israelis and 6 internationals have been detained and have been
threatened with arrest. Gustav Fridolin, a Swedish member of
parliament is among the group of detained protesters. Israeli
protester Nimrod Kerreet has been badly beaten.

Curfew was then imposed on the village, but protesters decided to
continue their peace presence on their land and were met with
continued violence. If this phase of the Wall construction is
allowed to continue, Budrus will be largely surrounded by it and
rendered an enclave without the necessary services for survival.
The villagers have been peacefully resisting the advance of the wall
on their land for over one month and plan to continue their non-
violent civil disobedience campaign against it.

Among the protesters were Israelis from the Anarchists Against Walls
group that participated in the non-violent demonstration at Masha on
December 26. It was during this demonstration that Israeli activist
Gil Na'amati (22), was shot with two live bullets in both legs and
badly injured. An American member of the International Solidarity
Movement (ISM) was also injured by a bullet. Internationals present
today were from the ISM and International Women's Peace Service

Currently, the village of Budrus is under curfew and the Israeli
army has occupied at least one home. Gustav Fridolin along with one
other Swedish activist and two American activists are being detained
at the Bet Arye police station.

For further information, including access to digital video and still
footage, please contact:

Jonathan (Hebrew/English): 066.327.736
Anna (English): 052.598.264
Salah (Arabic): 055.256.467
Nazif (Arabic): 059.787.813


For activists wanting to mobilize support for the village of Budrus
and protest the continued confiscation of land for Wall construction,
the following contact information can be used:

Ramallah DCO: +972-2-997-0284/5

IDF Spokesperson (often handles media inquiries): +972-3-608-0339

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Eight persons injured, including Israeli, in a protest against the Separation Wall near Ra
by IMEMC - International Middle Est Media Center Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 5:09 PM mail:

Eight persons injured, including Israeli, in a protest against the Separation Wall near Ramallah
IMEMC & Agencies,13:30

The militray shot and wounded at least 8 persons this morning during in a protest against the construction of the separation wall near Rammallah in the West Bank, among the wounded one Israeli.

The clahes began after the bulldozers moved into a village near Ramallah yesterday to dig the ground in preparation for the wall, afterwhcih, the portestors came to the scene and demontrated against the wall and the uprooting of several Olive trees grooves in the area.

The protestors, who were a few hundreds clashed with the army, which shot towards them Tear Gas and rubber bullets according to the military. As a result at least 17 persons sustained injuries including two Israelis protesting with the Palestinians against the wall, eight other persons arrested, in addition to two soldiers who were lightly injured when some stones were thrown at them.

It is worth mentioning that this is the second time in less than five days that the military opens fire towards the protestors against the wall. Three days ago an American and Israeli protestors were wounded when the army opened fire towards a group of protestors.

Meanwhile, Jonathan Pollak, a member of the Israeli Anarchists against the Wall organization, mentioned that the army fired randomly but mostly at Palestinian protesters, as well as Israelis and foreigners. He added that approximately 10 Palestinians sustained several injuries and an Israeli woman was wounded in her leg. Pollak said that the protest included several members of the International Solidarity Movement and International Women's Peace Service Group.

In Jenin, the army held tens of foreign peace activists near Arraba checkpoint, and bans the rest of their group to cross to Jenin and Participate in a protest against the wall.

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Action Alert - Support the Village of Budrus
by ISM - International Solidarity Movement Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 5:33 PM mail:

The Israeli DCO reported that on Monday, December 29 (today) at 10 AM
the trees belonging to the village of Budrus (Ramallah District)
would be uprooted and the land cleared for construction of the
Apartheid Wall. Prior to 10 AM this morning, the people of Budrus
marched alongside 15 international and Israeli activists to the site
of the proposed land destruction. This act succeeded in turning away
the Israeli soldiers and border police officers that were in Budrus
to monitor the situation, but the activists were told that curfew
would be imposed upon Budrus for one week starting tonight if the
construction workers were not allowed to complete their work.

Construction of the wall began approximately 1 1/2 months ago in
Budrus with the clearing of larger stones in the proposed path of the
Wall. The people of Budrus successfully stopped several attempts of
the workers to uproot their trees by using non-violent acts of
resistance, including weekly actions against the Wall.

Please take action! The community of Budrus, international activists
from the International Women's Peace Service and International
Solidarity Movement, and Israeli activists are calling upon all
activists to come and join Budrus in its struggle against the Wall.

For further information, please contact:
Kate (English) 067-387806
Anat (Hebrew/English) 053-365495
Eyad (Arabic/Hebrew/English) 02-2485595 or 067-924952

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IMEMC News Flashes sulla manifestazione a Bodros
by xxx Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 8:18 PM mail:

December31,2003 14:30
Troops impose curfew on Bodros village near Ramalla after today's protest against the wall

December31,2003 14:25
17 local and foreign persons injured after the military attacked them near Ramallah in today protest against the wall

December31,2003 11:15
Soldiers arrest 8 people during West Bank separation wall protest near Ramallah

December31,2003 10:30
Army injures five Palestinians and one Israeli near Ramallah in a protest against the separation wall

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Seven shot at demonstrations in Budrus
by Palestine Monitor Friday, Jan. 02, 2004 at 3:16 AM mail:

Seven shot at demonstrations in Budrus
December 30, 2003

Seven Palestinians were shot by Israeli troops this morning as they tried to stop contractors beginning construction on the separation wall around the village of Budrus, west of Ramallah.

Around 5 a.m. Israeli armored vehicles entered the village declaring a curfew in the area. 300 Palestinians then gathered on the land ordained to be confiscated by the Israeli government. Locals stood at the place with their bare chests on the way of the bulldozers as the soldiers responded with rubber bullets, wounding seven.

After the contractors had confiscated around 10 dunums of land and uprooted 40 olive trees the demonstrators – including students in their way to school - succeeded in preventing, at least momentarily, the works to continue towards the village. Mohammed Alayan, head of the local council in Budrus told Palestine Monitor that if completed, the wall would confiscate 500 of the 2200 dunums of land around the village, hemming it in from sides, destroying local agriculture and denying the population access to work and vital services. He added however, that despite these hardships, the local people would stay and fight the wall’s construction.

In the first hours of the afternoon, international activists - from Italy, France, South Africa, Brazil, Austria, Germany, USA, and Great Britain - joined the demonstrators and a peaceful protest took place with no confrontations. An Italian activist, Serena Marinello, gave of speech denouncing the wall and the Israeli government’s policy of oppression, and called for greater international solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Nasif Adiq, coordinator of the Stop The Wall campaign in Ramallah said that these protests would continue in 2004.

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