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[genoa-g8] the second preliminary hearing of the diaz school raid has been postponed
by imc italy Saturday, Jul. 03, 2004 at 1:22 PM mail:

the diaz school raid court case second preliminary hearing has been postponed due to the impossibility of Parliament Member Biondi (from Forza Italia party), lawyer of one of the cops, to take part to the court case

Strange timing the one lawyer and MP Biondi from Forza Italia defending one of the cop being accused of the Diaz school raid manages to have.
He has asked the the court to postpone the second preliminary hearing since he had to participate into a European Parliament Vice-President meeting. Strangely he revoked his substitute just before and the other lawyer defending the cop he is defending is ill.
The judge was not able to decide when this impossibility came to be known by Biondi, so hwo much time passed before he communicated it to the court.
all these strange coincidences forced the judge to postpone the hearing. the hearing of 6th and 8th of july have been postponed as well for other problems, so next prelliminary hearing will be on july 9th .

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