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13th of July: XVIth hearing for the trial against 25 people for devastation and pillage
by imc italia Saturday, Jul. 17, 2004 at 11:56 PM mail:

XVIth hearing for the trial against 25 people for devastation and pillage. Ending of the counter-exam of the witness Corda. Presentation of memories by the defense for a not-acquisition of the videos and the cancellation of the trial, charge for manipulation of the evidences towards the ROS (Special Operative Department).

Today (13th of July)there was the XVIth hearing for the trial against 26
people for destruction and looting.
During this hearing, as it was foreseen, the counter-exam on the
witness Corda, policeman responsible for cataloging
video and photo-evidences of the power of attorney and for making a video (integrating part of its
witness) that showed the development of devastation
and pillage crimes on the 20th and the 21st of July 2001 in Genua, during he demonstrations against the G8.
Last hearing focused above all on a some
preliminary issues regarding video and photo-evidences, with a memoir by the defense, that remarked big anomalies in them and asked the court not to acquire them.
This hearing focused , like the end of the previous one, on a
generic counter-exam to Corda, to clarify the ways the dvds were made, the used equipments, the choices in cutting, the orders received by the public prosecutor, the ways and the criteria in selecting of the evidences.
During the first part of the hearing lawyer Lamma made some questions
on Corda's job generally and in particular. They
showed that Corda does not have specific experiences in making video and video-editing, that he wasn't a direct witness of the facts (he always watched just from video and tv),
that there was no direct control of his job and his possible errors by the public prosecutor. Generally he shows very well Witness Corda's limits.
After that, the lawyer Dario Rossi, made a 3 hours counter-exam on 5 or 6 specific facts, evidencing that Corda chose in several episodes not to edit images that showed the police beating demonstrators after charges and that he generally didn't lay stress on
several episodes that not correspond to the concept "demonstrators destroy, the police charges ".
The most interesting part of the hearing was the
the introduction of the answer by the public prosecutors Canepa and Canciani to the defense's memoir at the previous hearing, that reported about the serious anomalies of the most evidences, reason why the defense was against the acquisition of most
part of the video.
After that the lawyer Tambuscio introduced a second and more detailed memoir of the defense lawyers and remarked an unquestionable not genuineness and not integrity
of 16 evidences on 192, which were not examined,
some cuts on the evidences containing indymedia's videos which were sequestrated
during the well-known operations in February
2002. The lack of parts of this video is suspect and not explicable, but
thinking about an action on the evidences during the sequestration.
The negative opinion on the genuineness of the video and the evidence of the
manipulation of the original materials to indymedia's detriment are enough to make the defense require not to acquire the cited videos and to require a
expert opinion on the materials considered with reservation by the
technical advisers (actually , Luna Rossa's videos, the local police cameras videos, videos edited by tvs have been considered reliable or not questionable, as they were edited and, therefore, they can't be, by definition, traced back to their context.
Second memoir by the defense and introduced by lawyer Sommovigo
was about the elements that in the previous
hearings showed that the defense was not able to
get all the materials owned by the power of attorney (both
for the selection edited by Corda from all evidences,
and for the cuts), actually preventing a complete defense of charged people, which is uncostitutional and can bring (comparing
cassation and constitutional court judicial decisions) to the cancellation
of the indictment or all evidences.
Moreover lawyer Multedo requires the production of all sequestration reports, and acquisition reports of all evidences that will be used, in order to control the genuineness of evidences.
The president gave time to the power of attorney to answer in writing within the 31st of August and to the defense to give a "counter-answer"within the 13th of September, postponing the debate about the possibility to acquire reports to next audience on the 17th September.

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