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Israele: liberata Ewa
by agila Friday, Aug. 20, 2004 at 2:02 AM mail:


19 AGO -
Un tribunale israeliano ha oggi annullato l'ordine di espulsione preso nei confronti di una giornalista britannica pacifista, arrestata al momento del
suo arrivo in Israele l'11 agosto scorso.
Lo ha annunciato il legale della giornalista.

Ewa, e' tuttora rinchiusa nel centro di detenzione dell'aeroporto internazionale Ben Gurion di Tel Aviv.
La giornalista, che lavora per la rivista Red Pepper, e' stata interrogata per sette ore con l'accusa di appartenere a movimenti pacifisti ostili ad Israele, ha aggiunto l'avvocato, Yael Barda.

Il ministero dell'interno, su avviso dei servizi di sicurezza interni, lo Shin Beth, aveva rifiutato all'attivista l'ingresso sul territorio israeliano perche' costituiva una ''minaccia per la sicurezza''per i presunti legami con l' International Solidarity Movement (Ism). L'avvocato Barda era ricorso in appello e oggi il tribunale ha autorizzato la giornalista a rimanere in Israele a condizione che non si rechi nei territori palestinesi e che
non prenda parte a manifestazioni contro l'occupazione
Inoltre, prima di essere liberata, la giornalista
dovra' versare una cauzione di 30 mila shekel (circa seimila

Dall'aprile 2002, oltre 60 membri dell'Ism sono stati espulsi da Israele, in quanto il movimento e' stato inserito nella lista nera delle autorita' che lo accusano di ostacolare il lavoro delle forze dell'ordine nei territori occupati.

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by agila Friday, Aug. 20, 2004 at 12:30 PM mail:

Update on British Journalist Ewa Jasiewicz Barred Entry into Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories

Judge's Decision Handed Down:
Released From Israeli Detention with Restrictions
Will Appeal Decision

Judge Kobo of Tel Aviv District Court has ordered British journalist Ewa be released from detention on the conditions that she not enter the Occupied Palestinian Territories nor engage in any activities or events that may involve the Israeli Army.

Secret evidence was presented to the judge by the Israeli secret service that, according to her attorney, Yael Barda, "had deemed her a terrorist." However, the credibility of the evidence provided by the secret service is in question if the judge has decided to allow the journalist to be released.

From the detention center in Ben Gurion, Ewa declared that the judges' decision was "a partial victory," and that "real victory will be won when I am is allowed to travel where ever I feel it is necessary to carry out my work as a journalist."

"I will fight the decision," stated Ewa, Thursday night before her release. "As a journalist I should have the right to go into every part of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories." She added that she believes that restricting her movement within the Occupied Territories " is an attempt to blind me, and readers of my work, to
some of the realities of life under occupation for Palestinians."

Ewa considers herself an advocacy journalist whose goal is to enforce and promote human rights. "If the Israeli Army is truly acting within the boundaries of International Law then they would have no reason to restrict me." However, she added, "Israel doesn't want me to witness it's continued violation of human rights."

Ewa is expected to be released the morning of August 20.
The National Union of Journalists, (NJU), in Great Britain, is backing Ewa and put out a press release condemning the Israeli Government decision to deny her entry. Ewa's case has been supported by journalist unions from Europe and Australia.

Ewa Jasiewicz, Journalist and human rights activist from Great
Britain was barred from entering Israel and was detained last
week at Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport by security authorities.
Ewa is a freelance journalist and writer who has also worked as
a human rights activist in Palestine and Iraq. She has worked with
women's organizations and workers unions. Two years ago in Nablus,
Ewa witnessed the killing of a young boy by the Israeli Army.

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by cesare giulio Friday, Aug. 20, 2004 at 8:02 PM mail:


* To:
* From: Alessandro Marescotti <>
* Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 21:10:57 +0200
* Cc:



· From:
· To:
· Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:03:24 +0200
· Posted-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:04:29 +0200


Lista prodotti israeliani:

AHAVA: prodotti estetici e dermatologici distribuiti in Italia da P.M.

AMCOR: purificatori e condizionatori d'aria, insetticidi

ALBATROSS: fax e sistemi di posta elettronica

CANTINE BARKAN Ltd: vini con etichetta Reserved, Barkan e

CANTINE DELLE ALTURE DEL GOLAN: vini con etichetta Yarden,
Gamla e Golan distribuiti in Italia da GAJA DISTRIBUZIONE ,
Barbaresco (Cuneo)

CARMEL: prodotti d'esportazione come avocados ,fiori recisi e
succhi di frutta

CALVIN KLEIN: alcuni capi di vestiario sono realizzati in Israele


EPILADY/MEPRO: epilatori

HALVA: barrette di sesamo

INTEL: microprocessori e periferiche

JAFFA: agrumi

MOTOROLA: prodotti di irrigazione e fertilizzanti

MUL-T-LOCK Ltd: porte blindate, serrature di sicurezza, cilindri e

NECA: saponi

PRETZELS: snack salati della Beigel

SALI DEL MAR MORTO: prodotti cosmetici

Societą Gitto Carmelo e Figli Srl di Messina: ha costruito una strada che
passa nei territori occupati ed č a solo uso dei coloni

SODA-CLUB Ltd.: sistemi per carbonare e sciroppi per la preparazione di soda
e soft drinks

SOLTARN Ltd: pentole e tegami in acciaio antimacchia

VEGGIE PATCH LINE: hamburger di soia e prodotti alternativi
Generi : marche
Abbigliamento: Ask Retailer; Gottex, Gideon Oberson, Sara Prints, Calvin Klein

Aromi e spezie: MATA, Deco-Swiss, Israel Dehydration Co. Ltd.

Bevande: Askalon, Latroun, National Brewery Ltd., Carmel, Eliaz Benjamina
Ltd., Montfort, Yarden Vineyards, International Distilleries of Israel Ltd.
(Sabra), Gamla, Hebroni

Budini: OSEM, MATA, Israel Edible Products Ltd. -Telma

Cipolle: Beit Hashita, Carmit, Sunfrost

Formaggi: Kfir Bnei-Brak Dairy Ltd., Tnuva, Central Co-op, MATA, Haolam

Frutta: Assis Ltd., Carmel Medijuice, NOON, PRI-TAIM, Agrexco USA Ltd.,
Yakhin, PRI-ZE, FIT (Federation of Israel Canners), Jaffy's Citrus Products

Prodotti a base di pomodoro: FIT, Medijuice, Pardess, Yakhin, VITA

Prodotti dolciari (caramelle e noccioline): Carmit, Elite, Geva, Rimon,
Karina, Lieber, Oppenheimer, OSEM, Taste of Israel, Israel Edible Products -

Olive: Beit Hashita, H&S Private Label, Shan Olives Ltd. (Hazayith)

Marmellate, conserve, sciroppi, miele e frutta candita: Assis Ltd., I&B Farm
Products, Meshek Industries (Beit Yitshak 778) Ltd., VITA

Pesce: Noon, Yonah, Carmel, Ask retailer/frozen fillets

Prodotti a base di tacchino: Hod Lavan, Soglowek, Yarden, Ask

Prodotti dietetici: Elite, Froumine, OSEM, Israel Edible Products - Telma,
Kedem, Afifit Ltd., Magdaniat Hadar Ltd., Tivon

Prodotti di forneria: Affifit Ltd., Barth, Elite, Einat, Froumine, Hadar,
Israel Edible Products - Telma, Magdaniat Hadar Ltd., OSEM, Taste of Israel

Prodotti vegetali: Yakhin, PRI-TAIM, PRI-ZE Growers/MOPAZ,
Sanlakol, Carmelit Portnoy, Tapud, Sun Frost

Salse per pizza: Jaffa-Mor, VITA, H&S Private Label, MATA

Software e componenti per computer: Four M, Cimatron, Eliashim
Micro Computers, Sintel, Ramir (Adacom), Rad, Orbotech, Shatek,
Scitex, 4th Dimension Software Ltd., magic Software, 32-bit

Zuppe, salse e dadi: Israel Edible Products Ltd. - Telma, OSEM,
MATA, Gourmet Cuisine


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