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[genoa g8] trial against the 25- XVIIth hearing- a summary
by imc italy Sunday, Sep. 19, 2004 at 6:36 PM mail:

Summary of the XVIIth hearing for the trial against 25 people for devastation and pillage. With this hearing the debate about the acquisition and the validity of video and photo evidences ends. From netxt hearing on, first accusation and then defense witnesses are going to be heard.

During the hearing above all already written textes were read and there was a short speech by lawyer Tambuscio.
After the president’s roll-call the defending counsels D’Agostino and Alberghetti presented a further plending, to add to the ones which were given within the dead-line fixed by the court (13th September).
Public prosecutor Canciani presented some written notes, which he read in the courtroom, rejecting once more the defending counsels’ objections. After a short defense speech by lawyer Tambuscio, the council went to the Council Chambers until about 13:00.
The court ordinance puts an end to the debate about the videos and it can be summed up through its last lines:
“For these Reasons
Dissolving every previous reservation
The court admits the production by the public prosecutor of the three dvds cutted by Inspector Corda.It rejects the application by the Public Prosecutor to insert in the proceedings folder all video and photo material, which are included in his own folder, except the single productions which were already acquired. The parties can still propose specific and detailed showing applications, pointing out their importance as documentary evidence. It rejects any other exception.”
In substance, all objections by the defending counsels were rejected, as every photo or video (single images, as well as sequences and cuts) are valid as evidences and both parties can everytime rebut or confirm them.
Regarding the application on acquisition by the public prosecutor, just already justified materials and produced during the proceedings are acquired and the court reserves to acquire materials as they are presented and justified during the hearings.
From now on accusation witnesses are going to be heard, in the case in point Amadori ( a “Panorama” journalist, who infiltrated in the rally, which took place in the morning in the zone called “Foce”), Muscau ( a Genoese citizen), Marco Preve (“Repubblica” journalist, witness) and the executive of the general and special prevention office of Genoa.
The witnesses are goin to be heard during the hearings on the 21st and 22nd if September about the reconstrucion of the general context.

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