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Palestina: ISM report [ita-en]
by by the way of agila Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004 at 5:51 PM mail:

ISM report del 3 ottobre - report da Beit Awwa - report da Gaza -solidarietà a Kim e Chris

Circa trecento residenti a Beit Awwa hanno marciato questa mattina insieme a 30 internazionali e israeliani. Hanno lasciato il centro del villaggio intorno alle 10 di mattina per recorsi verso il luogo dove tre bulldozer solitamente lavorano per la costruzione del Muro.
Quando i manifestanti si sono avvicinato ai bulldozer, mentre due hanno smesso di lavorare il terzo ha continuato a scavare la terra. Immediatamente l'esercito israeliano ha cominciato a lanciare granade assordanti e a sparare gas lacrimogeni verticalmente verso la folla.
Dopo 30-45 minuti l'esercito israelino ha cominciato ha sparare pallottole di gomma a distanza ravvicinata. Ad un attivista israeliano, Jonathon Polack, gli sono state sparate du entrambe le gambe proietili di gomma mentre stava aiutando un giovane palestinese ferito.

Anche un'attivista dell'ISM, la danese MAya, e' stata colpita da dietro da una pallottola di gomma. La ragazza e' stata subito trasferita all'ospedale di Hebron dove e' stata operata.

Alle 12.30, sono arrivati allo stesso ospedale di Hebron agli sei feriti e altri due devono essere operati in seguito a questi ferimenti. Non e' ancora conosciuto il reale numero di feriti a Beit Awwa.

Gli attivisti dell'ISM hanno riportato che sono stati visti circa trenta soldati sparare gas lacrimogeni prima sui bambini poi al centro medico. Tutto ciò mentre entravano verso il centro del villaggio.


Dozine di uomini donne e bambini palestinesi sono stati uccisi e centinaia feriti durante il massiccio attacco del''esercito israeliano nel nord della striscia di Gaza.

Più di 50 palestinesi, inclusi molti civili, sono morti dall'inizio dell'offensiva israeliana tre giorni fa.

Quale e' la risposta dei capi di tutto il mondo che chiedono di condannare la violenza efar rispettare la legge internazionale?

Il quartetto della pace in medio oriente Nazioni Unite, Unione Europea, Stati UNiti e Russia, rimangono IN SILENZIO di fronte ai violenti attacchi verso la ultra popolata area di Gaza!!

L'esercito israeliano continua a commettere crimini di guerra contro la popolazione civile. In un sol giorno i soldati sono stati capaci di uccidere 32 persone e ferirne più di 102 durante l'incursione nel nerd della striscia di Gaza.
Gli attacchi militari miravano ad arrivare in quei campi profughi nel nord di Gaza, dove l'esercito ha detto che sono stati lanciati dei razzi.


Per le ultime 48 ore, l'Unione dei comitati per la salute, è in stato di emergenza per la situazione che si è venuta a creare nel nord della striscia di Gaza. I medici stanno lavorando continuamente per gestire il grandissimo numero di emergenze dovute al massiccio attacco delle'esercito israeliano nel governatorato del nord, especialmente a Jabaliya.
Carri armati, elicotteri e diverse forze militari israeliane, stanno penetrando ed attaccando l'area attraverso quattro diversi settori. Demiliscono case, distruggono infrastrutture e buttano giù alberi allo stesso modo con cui sparano si qualsiasi cosa di muove.

Sabato 2 ottobre.
L'ospedale di Al - Awda ha ricevuto 42 feriti, 17 dei quali bambini sotto i 15 anni, 8 donne e 8 mortiri (la maggior parte dei ferito sono stati causati da proiettili). Anche un altro ospedale nella stessa area ha ricevuto decine di emergenze.
Il medical center di Al-Assria nel campo profughi du Jabalya è ancora in mezzo alla battaglia. I carri armati israeliani sono ancora a 50mt dal centro medico, e tutti gli attivisti medici sono stati richiamati per i servizi di prima assistenza.
Tutto il personale del UHWC (138 uomini e donne volontari) e le ambulanze, stanno lavorando giorno e notte per salvare ed evacuare le persone ferite. Allo stesso tempo devono anche provvedere ai bisogni medici e agli approvvigionamenti.

L'UHWC fa un appello alle organizzazioni umanitarie, alla Croce Rossa e alle Nazioni Unite affichè intervengano celermente per fermare il massacro del popolo palestinese. Allo stesso tempo chiedono di pressare il governo isaeliano per fermare questi spiacevoli dispetti contro i medici e i civili.

L'UNRWA, l'agenzia delle NU per i profughi palestinesi, ieri ha condannato l'esercito israeliano di aver preso diverse scuole nella striscia di Gaza mentre i bambini stavano ancora in classe.


L'ISM ha mandato un messaggio di solidarietà a Chris e Kim condannando il brutale attacco dei coloni che li ha mandati entrambi all'ospedale. Speriamo che guarscano presto e possano cosi riprendere il loro lavoro.
Chris Brown, 40 anni di San Francisco, e Kim Lamberty, 44 anni di Washingron, sono stati attaccati mentre stavano scortando bambini palestinesi verso la scuola a Tuba, un villaggio vicino ad Hebron. Entrambi lavorano presso il Christian
Peacemaker Teams (CPT) che è un'organizzazione che offre alternative nonviolente alla guerra e ad altre forme di conflitto.


Israeli Army uses tear gas, rubber bullets and a piercing siren to disperse protestors.
Today, October 3, approxinmately 300 residents of Beit Awwa marched with 30 internationals and Israelis this morning. They left the center of the village around 10:00am and marched toward the site where three bulldozers are being used to construct the Israeli Annexation Wall.

Once they were near the bulldozers, two of the bulldozers stopped working while the third continued to tear-up the land. Immediately the Israeli army began throwing concussion grenades and shooting tear gas canisters vertically into the crowd.

After 30-45 minutes, the Israeli army began shooting rubber bullets at close range. One Israeli activist, Jonathon Polack, was shot twice in the leg with rubber bullets when he attempted to help a young Palestinian who was injured.

An ISM activist, Maya from Denmark, was also hit by a rubber bullet that penetrated her back and was transferred to a hospital in Hebron where she will under go surgery.

By 12:30pm, another six injured arrived to the same hospital in Hebron and two more are going into surgery as a result of their injuries. It is still not known the number of injuries in Beit Awwa.

The Israeli army pursued the protestors, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas as the men, women and children tried to return to their village. ISM activists reported that about 30 Israeli soldiers were seen tear gassing children at the edge of town and then entered and tear gassed the medical center.

At around 1:00pm, eye-witness reports communicated the Israeli army is using a large speaker, mounted on a truck, that transmits an ear-piercing siren. The high-pitch sound is deafening and painful and is being used to disperse the villagers and their supporters.

Dozens of Palestinian men, women and children are being killed and hundreds wounded in the massive Israeli army attack in the northern area of the Gaza Strip.

More than 50 Palestinians, including civilians, have died since Israel began the operation three days ago.

What is the response of world leaders who claim to condemn violence and uphold international law?

The Middle East peace quartet of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia remain SILENT in face of this brutal Israeli attack on densely populated areas of Gaza! The Israeli army continues to commit war crimes against a civilian population.

On one day, Thursday, Israeli soldiers kill 32 Palestinians and wounded more than 102 during their incursion into northern Gaza.
Three Israelis were also killed. The military attacks are being aimed at refugee camps in northern Gaza, where the army said rockets were fired.

Whatever the reason the Israeli army is using to justify the
attacks, men, women and children are paying a heavy price. Israeli is violating international law by attacking areas that result in civilian deaths and injuries.

Urgent Appeal From UHWC

For the last 48 hours, the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC), medical facilities are in state of top emergency in the northern governorate of Gaza Strip. The medical teams are working continuously to cope with the increasing number of causalities, due to massive Israelis forces incursion into the northern governorate, especially Jabaliya.

Israeli tanks, helicopters and various military forces are attacking the area through four main sectors. The Israeli forces are demolishing homes, destroying infrastructure and bulldozing trees at the same time they shoot any moving target, including children, women, old men or youths.

On Saturday, October 2, Al –Awda Hospital received 42 injured people, 17 of are under 15 years old, 8 women, in addition to 8 martyrs (most of the injuries are due to explosive Bullets). Another governmental hospital in the same area has also received tens of causalities.

Two reports:

UHWC, Al-Quds Medical Center in Beit - Hanoun has been working 24 hours a day to cover the expected increasing number of injuries and to offer other emergency medical aid. Beit - Hanoun has been isolated from the rest of Gaza Strip.

Al-Assria (Al-Luhiedan) Medical Center - Jabalia refugee camp is now in the middle of battle. The Israeli tanks and snipers are just 50 meters from the center, and all the other health and community activities of Al-Luhiedan Community Health Center have been replaced with first aid services.

The first aid medical teams and the ambulance service of the UHWC (138 men and women volunteers) are working day and night to rescue and evacuate the injured people. At the same time they provide needed medical and food supplies.

UHWC teams call all International and human rights organization, Red Cross, United Nations, and all those who are seeking just peace in the area to urgently interfere to stop this massacre against our Palestinian people. At the same time to pressure on the Israeli government to stop its harassments against the medical teams and civilians.

United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees Condemnation (UNRWA). The UN agency for Palestinian refugees yesterday accused the Israeli army of taking over schools in the Gaza Strip, while children were still in class, and using them as firing positions for tanks.

"They have now taken positions in these three schools and are using them as a military camp for their ongoing campaign, using them also as firing positions," UN Refugee Works Agency (UNRWA) spokesman Matthias Burchard said in Geneva. He said Israeli tanks broke down the walls of three schools in the Jabaliya refugee camp on Thursday while children were in class.

The Israeli army killed 10 Palestinians in Gaza yesterday, October 1, as it poured tanks and soldiers into the coastal strip, expanding a ground offensive allegedly intended to root out militants firing rockets into Israeli towns.

Palestinian officials said dozens of tanks pushed into north Gaza while more forces massed on the border. Army bulldozers destroyed homes as they carved paths for army forces.


The International Solidarity Movement sends a message of solidarity to Chris and Kim and condemns the brutal attack by settlers that left them both hospitalized. We hope that they recover soon and continue with their work for justice and human decency.

Chris Brown, 40, of San Francisco, and Kim Lamberty, 44, of
Washington, were escorting Palestinian children to their school in a West Bank village near Hebron, when they were attacked.

On the morning of Wednesday, September 29, 2004, settlers attacked Christian Peacemaker Team members Chris Brown and Kim Lamberty as they accompanied children to school. The children, from the village of Tuba, have experienced harassment from settlers in the past as they to school in the village of al-Tuwani.

Chris and Kim are members of the Christian Peacemakers Team, a group that has been active in and around the West Bank city of Hebron for several years. According to their mission statement, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) offers an organized, nonviolent alternative to war and other forms of lethal inter-group conflict. CPT provides organizational support to persons committed to faith-based nonviolent alternatives in situations where lethal conflict is an
immediate reality or is supported by public policy.

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E vi meravigliate...??!!
by Opossum Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 at 9:08 AM mail:

E vi meravigliate......
villaggio_pacificato....jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375

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