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[ Genoa-g8 ] trial perugini - sentence for de rosa, nonsuit s.o. for mortola
by imc_italia Monday, Nov. 01, 2004 at 5:40 PM mail:

at last preliminary hearing of trial "perugini" for having violently beaten several young people on barabino street on the 21st July, nonsuit for mortola and sentence one year and eight months prison to de rosa, the "DIGOS" -policeman from Milan who required a shortened procedure.

at the hearing on 10/29/2004 mrs. califano decided: nonsuit s.o. for not having committed the offence for mortola spartaco; conditionally sentence to one year and eight months prison and 10,000 euro preliminary injunction (temporary compensation waiting for the final determination of the damage) to de rosa giuseppe, charged only for lesions to marco mattana, order of reference (2/9/2005 third section of the court of Genoa) for perugini alessandro, del giacco antonio, pinzone sebastiano, mantovani enzo. raschella' luca, charged of office abuse, false and slander towards seven people who got arrested without reason, perugini and pinzone are also charged of lesions towards mattana marco, pinzone for having threatened the arrested people with a gun and for having caused lesions to lungarini fabrizio. the reasons of the sentence will be published in 45 days and only the public prosecutor (mr.cardona) will be able to require appeal against the order of acquittal. the sentence for the rosa is first one for a policeman who was involved in the events of the g8-days 2001.

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