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[Genoa g8] Diaz trial: hearing 9 July 2004
by imc_italia Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004 at 9:56 PM mail:

today, seventeenth hearing of the trial for the evenements at "Diaz"-School. the defense lawyer florjo comes two hours late, and then keeps on chatting. topic in today's hearing is the special evidentiary hearing asked by Bugno's defense.

Today, 10th November 2004, seventeenth hearing to 28 policemen for the irruption at "Diaz"-School and at "Pascoli"-School during the night on the 21th July 2001.
Today lawyer Frojo, Ciccimarra's defense, was supposed to be at the trial and to speak (the lawyer has been absent since the beginning of the hearings, while the State Police Chief still fails to appear ). After having sent some faxes in the last days, Frojo didn't give any further indications
ulterior indications and decided to take an airplane at 8,50 am from Naples to be in genua at a trial that he begins at 9,00 am.Everybody had to wait for him till 11.00 pm. Not yet satisfied, he kept on having such a behaviour, that could be, in a ...sincerely democratic manner of speaking, defined "delaying".
He has first asked a referral in order to see new acts that were already notified from the 21st October and that however are not part of the procedure, but will be part of the out-and-out trial, then he tried to refer asking to discuss the deductions on the special evidentiary hearing and after last recall by the judge he concluded with a placid "I ask a nonsuit".
After this ridcolous "puppet theatre" , the public prosecutor and the plaintiffs made their deductions regarding the request of special evidentiary hearing by Bugno's defense; of course, the public prosecutors and the plaintiffs made an objection; the difense itself was not prepared to this request. some, as not interested, didn't make any statement, some opposed, some agreed. The policemen probably haven't any other elements to put the responsability one on the other to find a way out.
Tomorrow, the 11th November discussion by other defense lawyers, and so on. After the discussions the judge will make statements on the different requests regarding the non-pertinence of the evidences and on the request of special evidentiary hearing.

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