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I nazimerikani in ritirata da Fallujah!
by Researcher Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004 at 2:32 PM mail:

Arab Media Reporting US Forces Losing in Fallujah Source: Islam Memo | 10:30:11 AM Saturday, November 27, 2004

The popular arab media source, Islam Memo is reporting that the resistance in Fallujah continues to take western areas and is progressing towards the middle of the city. The correspondent for Islam Memo states that US Forces are beginning to retreat out of the city as they continue to take ongoing ambushes with many casualties. The entire report is below:


The Islam intellectual [ is special ] : in a new field development on the level of the situations in Al-Faloga city, groups of the resistance fighters started from outside Al-Faloga with the flow into the city for the sake of doing its cleansing from the present American occupation forces in its northern department .

And a correspondent said ' the Islam intellectual ' in the city : the western side from Al-Faloga fell today in the resistance hands, as the resistance carried out the attack of the buildings that the American snipers is centered on the western side from the city and in the gray street the year that separates between in the north of Al-Faloga and its south .

And our correspondent stressed that the resistance extended its control over the leading street in Al-Faloga and over the western parts from the city, while the American forces carry out attempt of the withdrawal from the eastern parts but it is exposed to successful ambushes from the resistance .

And our correspondent added that the withdrawal of the American forces remained continuous since yesterday at 9 : 30 from today in the morning by the local time, and that when the withdrawal stopped the result of the successful ambushes that the resistance of the withdrawing forces set outside the city on the reaching way of Habanyia is his length of 15 kilometres . And the witness of our correspondent in one of the regions is 3 destructive armoured vehicles the result of their exposure of a successful ambush from the resistance, and he said : the one that hinders the operation of the complete withdrawal of the American forces is the ambushes that the resistance sets inside the city and their outside .

Also the witness of our correspondent the American trucks and she carries the destructive American vehicles from armoured vehicles and Hmr 's cars, and that is since yesterday, where the American forces carry out evacuation operation to those destructive vehicles until they do not keep a monument to their losses in the city after their withdrawal .

And our correspondent revealed also the occurence of a violent battle in a late time from at night yesterday between the resistance and the occupation at the position ' region ' southwest of Al-Faloga, where the resistance carried out inside the city swift attack on American convoys it was passing through that authority bound for Habanyia way in the west of Al-Faloga, and the fight continued violently 3 continuous hours the American military aviation participated in it, and the helicopters and that the American forces stopped its use since 13 one day, did not participate the result of the successful hitting that the resistance executed towards those helicopters, and the occupation forces carry out the use of Alshinok helicopters only for the sake of the transfer of the soldiers, and the evacuation of dead and injured .

And to the moment of this news reception at 12 : 30 a back by the local time, our correspondent found that there is groups of the resistance that was still rushing to Al-Faloga where the resistance carried out the attack on the police stations of the American control on the way leading to the gray, what made the American forcing withdraws from those points, as the American forces withdrew today from the points of the control on Alsqlawea way, and also they withdrew from the points of the control on the Ameri way after the exposure of those points for an attack today in the morning, as the correspondent pointed to the eruption of clashes that continued some the hour in the south of the martyrs district, and the clashes were an expression about non strong skirmishes .

And our correspondent notified that the pointed these ways became now an open, and noticed that the groups that enter the city are where they rush to the city from the west .

And in the context itself, the resistance carried out today cleansing the new bridge that links between Al-Faloga and Habanyia from any American presence, and the resistance has purified it yesterday but it in it American forces was present a last the night for the sake of securing the withdrawing American convoys .

To that, our correspondent noticed that the American military sectors withdrawing from Al-Faloga do not complete their exchange for other military sectors, and he is the matter that points that this withdrawal is not a tactical withdrawal as was the American forces before five days of mouth over them doing, but he a true withdrawal came following the successful operations that the resistance executed from inside Al-Faloga and their outside .

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