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Nablus: foto dall`incursione
by M.Molotov Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002 at 1:36 PM mail:


Foto delle operazioni militari a Nablus, effettuate come ritorsione per l`attentato all`autobus della scorsa settimana.

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Israeli army intensifies siege of Nablus Old City
by International Solidarity Movement Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002 at 2:16 PM mail: palsolidarity []

Sunday 4th August

[Nablus] Israeli troops have stepped up their siege on
the Old City of Nablus. International observers there
report that around half of the Old City area is
without water, possibly as a result of the two sites
at which the IDF has broken water mains, allowing
high-pressure water to spray into the air in this dry
region. Up to 7 houses have also been destroyed by the
IDF during the night.

The Old City area is completely surrounded by Israeli
forces at present. Roads out have been blocked by
tanks and paths have been bulldozed.

Soldiers have been observed rounding up substantial
numbers of Palestinian men and taking them away,
dressed only in their underwear. Other men have been
observed being held in the street. IDF troops have
also been seen using explosive charges to open up
shops and ransack the contents. It has also been
reported that they have broken into the al-Masr mosque
and damaged three rooms in this historic building. The
doors have also been damaged by machine gun fire.

For more information directly from Nablus, call:
Susan +972 (0) 59877091 or +972 (0) 55829680
Lisa +972 (0) 67387892

For more information on the International Solidarity
Movement, call:
Palestine Centre for Rapprochement: +972 (0) 2-2772018
Huwaida +972 (0) 52642709
ISM Office in Jerusalem: +972 (0) 26264844

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