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by GE News Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 at 4:03 PM mail:

FALLUJA: MARINE USA CONFERMA IL DISASTRO MILTARE - TRADUZIONE: Un marine conferma la disfatta militare Usa a Falluja. Parla di 500 morti Usa solo il primo giorno a causa di bombe trappole messe dai mujahideen, continua parlando di varie incompetenze dei reparti americani che hanno portato a varie imboscate con numerose perdite tra i militari statunitensi . parla addirittura di una ritirata che avrebbe lasciato il 60% nella mani della resistenza...

An Honest US Marine
Confirms Fallujah Disaster
And Lashes Back At David Hackworth
From GE News
Read this honest marine's words carefully, what the Iraqi resistance and several other foreign (non-Arab) agencies have reported about Fallujah 2 battle is correct.
Here is an honest United states Marine talking about the first night of Fallujah 2 and later on in the battle:
Responding to Dave (Hackworth):
"To Dave - you are a liar i am a usmc-cpl. station at camp pendleton and i lost 18 good friends in the fullujah operations. the soldier that wrote this letter, failed to mentioned the grad rocket booby traps that injured and killed over a 500 (Marine) troops on the night of the iniatial offense. support forces failed to provide blocking support for the corp and we were ambushed severely and took heavy casualties. you should be ashamed of yourself, because it sounds like a reporter wrote the letter instead of a soldier.
And i notice the letter was never addressed to a loved one, dave! the next time you think of lying to the public consider the families at camp pendleton ca. who would be glad if this story was true...but know that it isn't because hundreds of their dead loved ones came home in a coroners bag. and, oh, by the way, those 2-7 cav pussies conducted a tactical retreat on the 4th day of battle, leaving leavig the 1st-2nd-(mef)to fend for themselves, leaving the insurgents in control of 60% of the city."
Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids - Now!
By David H. Hackworth
We'll soon have 150,000 U.S. troops stuck in the ever-expanding Iraqi quagmire, a number that will probably grow even larger before Iraq holds elections presently scheduled for the end of January 2005.
Maintaining such a force is a logistical and personnel nightmare for every grunt in Iraq. And according to several Pentagon number crunchers, it's also driving the top brass bonkers.
Meanwhile, the insurgents continue cutting our supply lines and whacking our fighting platoons and supporters, who attrit daily as soldiers and Marines fall to enemy shots, sickness or accidents. Empty platoons lose fights, so these casualties have to be replaced ASAP.
Since this tragic war kicked off in March 2003, the United States has evacuated an estimated 50,000 KIA (Killed), WIA (wounded) and non-battle casualties from Iraq back to the States - leaving 50,000 slots that have had to be filled.
Report Totals for December 18, 2004
By Blue Agua Guest on 18.12.2004 [10:00 ]
U.S Soldiers Killed.............101
Humvees Des Disa............21
Abrams Tanks................... 3
Not included anything from the Fallujah part, as it seems that is a repeat of previous past days news and information.
American Forces Lose Control Of Mosul
By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad
The Independent - UK
Major US Defeat In Fallujah Claimed Lions Of Fallujah
Hail Major Victory Over US Forces
By Muhammad Abu Nasr
Free Arab Voice And Omar Al-Faris, JUS
Iraqi insurgents are growing more effective
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - Iraqi insurgents are growing more effective and it will take time to get U.S. troops the $4 billion in armor they need for protection, defense officials said Wednesday. "This is not Wal-Mart,'' one general said.
Officials rejected growing criticism that armor shortages in Iraq reflect poor war planning, and they said they've been working as fast as possible to give troops what they need.
COMMENT: most of the people blindly follow and believe the news given by Zionist media such as, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, that proven to be displaying crabs. On the other hand, if you follow independent free presses such as RENSE.COM, JUS, IRAQ_MIRROR, ABSARAH, GENEWS, FREE AMERICAN PRESS, DAVID DUKE WEB, THE_TRUTH, INSIDE_STORY, WHATREALLYHAPPENDS, DNN, ETC. you will find real news that you cannot find from Zionist media. Zionist media never let you know that US is losing war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which the the US is actually fighting for pirate Israel. If there is a war against Iran, again, it will be for pirate Israel. Eventually, America have to pay heavy price for its illegitimate child pirate Israel when its economy will completely collapse. Unemployment is already going up. Crime rates are rapidly going up and "return of Bush" will end up, perhaps, with a spectacular civil war within the USA.


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aggirnamento falluja: abbattuto chinook 50 morti
by aggiornamento Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 at 4:12 PM mail:

Fallujah: US Bombing Continues; Mujahideen Down Chinook With High Casualties Reported
Dec 20, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited by JUS

Mujahideen struck American troops in the north of Fallujah with a rocket barrages on Sunday night, according to a report filed by Mafkarat al-Islam at 12:15am this morning, Mecca time.

US forces in the area where the train station formerly stood were hit again, this time by about four Grad rockets at exactly 5pm Sunday evening. Fighters also burned down what remained of the US al-Haykal camp east of as-Saqlawiyah (northwest of Fallujah) that had been attacked by the Mujahideen on several occasions.

The Mujahideen also killed a US sniper who was on top of one of the houses near the gardens of the al-Bu ‘Irrin in the area of al-Azraqiyah village west of Fallujah. Eyewitnesses said they took the American’s weapons before retiring.

Meanwhile the US continued its bombing of the southern half of Fallujah. Aircraft, artillery and mortars pounded that part of the city where the Resistance is in control. The bombardment and bombing began at about 8:35pm Sunday night and was still under bombing and bombardment when he submitted his report at precisely 10:30pm local time. For their part, Mujahideen also kept up their shelling of US positions in response.

Savage US Bombing Elicits Response From Mujahideen Outside The City

US forces mounted a bombardment of Fallujah described by a Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in a report filed at 4:35pm Sunday Mecca time, as the “most violent of its kind.” The attack lasted nearly four straight hours. Eyewitnesses said the attack began at 10am Sunday local time and lasted until about 2pm.

US forces dropped 16 container bombs full of cluster bombs in the course of the bombardment that centered on the neighborhoods of al-Jubayl and ash-Shuhada’. In particular certain locations and centers were targeted. One street alone took seven container bomb hits releasing hundreds of their anti-personnel cluster bombs.

Five Mujahideen were martyred in the bombing and 13 others wounded. Fighters in the city did not fire in response to the Americans, in order to prevent their targeting their positions.

Mujahideen surrounding the city, however, did respond to the US attack with barrages of their own on the Americans who are besieging the city and encamped in the northern half of Fallujah. The Resistance outside Fallujah unleashed 74 Grad and Tariq rockets at the invader troops, as well as an unspecified number of 120mm mortar rounds.

The Resistance bombardment lasted from about 1pm until shortly after 2pm and was focused on American troops concentrations near the ruins of the train station and at the intersection with the ash-Shukr Bridge. US forces concentrated in the sheep market area were also targeted.

The city presented the image of two blackened areas – one in the south, the other in the north – as clouds of thick, black smoke rise over the northern areas, testifying to direct hits on US military vehicles.

The Mujahideen attack was launched from the areas of al-Azraqiyah village, as-Saqlawiyah, al-Halabisah, al-‘Amiriyah, al-Karmah, and ‘Amiriyat al-Bu ‘Ithah. US aircraft prowled the skies in an attempt to pinpoint the sources of the fire but were unscuccessful.

A US column headed towards ‘Amiriyat al-Bu ‘Ithah was hit by three Resistance bombs that exploded and left the wreckage of one Abrams tank and two Humvees behind. Thirteen US Marines were killed in those bomb attacks.

Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the US aircraft that flew over the area outside the city were F-16s and F-18s and there were about 15 of them. There was also a very large number of reconnaissance helicopters involved in the search for the sources of Resistance mortar and rocket fire.

Mujahideen Downs Huge Chinook Helicopter Near Fallujah

Fifty US troops were reportedly killed and 11 more captured when Mujahideen shot down a large American Chinook helicopter over the an-Nu‘aymiyah area southeast of Fallujah Sunday morning, according to a report filed by Mafkarat al-Islam at 4:44pm Mecca time Sunday.

The Resistance targeted the helicopter as it bore away dozens of American troops, some of them wounded in the Fallujah fighting. The Chinook was on its way from al-Habbaniyah airbase to Baghdad when Resistance fighters fired a SAM7 rocket at it, bringing it crashing down in the village of Zawbi‘ in the an-Nu‘aymiyah area. Parts of the craft were scattered over a large area when it hit the ground at 7am local time Sunday.

Eyewitnesses said that 50 Americans aboard the craft were killed and 11 others wounded in varying degrees, since all of their bodies had been thrown through the air. The Mujahideen took nine of the wounded prisoners captive at the scene of the crash. Two other Americans fled and disappeared into the reeds and brush in an area but the Mujahideen chased them down and also captured them.

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altro LINK con la lettera del marine
by link Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 at 4:40 PM mail:

altro LINK con la lettera del marine

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