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Mujahideen Pound US Forces In Fallujah; US Fires Tear Gas At Civilians
by Free Arab Voice Tuesday, Jan. 04, 2005 at 1:02 AM mail:

Free Arab Voice

Mujahideen Pound US Forces In Fallujah; US Fires Tear Gas At Civilians
Jan 03, 2005
By Omar Al-Faris, JUS And Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice

Mujahideen poured rocket fire into US positions north of Fallujah on Sunday, firing more than 40 Tariq and Grad rockets at US forces in the residential area north of Fallujah and the US base in the agricultural area to the city’s northeast.

A bomb also exploded under a US Humvee in the al-Bu Shihab area northeast of Fallujah, reportedly killing two US troops.

Twelve bombs exploded as a US column was passing along the highway in as-Saqlawiyah around midday Sunday. No details on casualties were immediately available.

Pickup Truck Bomb Strikes US Troops Saturday

A truck bomb exploded at 10am Saturday in Fallujah at US forces in the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the east of the city. The explosion took place on al-Jaysh ash-Sha‘bi Street at the first intersection. An Allawi “national guard” soldier told Mafkarat al-Islam at the scene that the car detonated on 12 US troops that were grouped together in the area. Seven US troops were reportedly killed instantly and five other Americans were said to have been seriously wounded. The Allawi guard said the vehicle used as the car bomb was a Nissan pickup belonging to the Allawi “national guards” that had entered the al-‘Askari neighborhood from the eastern part of the industrial zone. “The Americans thought that it was friendly forces,” the guard told the correspondent. An Allawi officer reported that the truck had disappeared 15 days earlier.

US Brings In Busloads Of Prisoners And 150 Military Vehicles

A US column of more than 150 military vehicles entered Fallujah on Sunday, together with three busloads of prisoners, each bus carrying some 44 prisoners. The busses went into the agricultural area northeast of the city. It is unknown whether the prisoners are civilians from Fallujah whom the Americans intend to release as a good-will gesture towards the city, or whether they are capture Mujahideen the Americans intend to use as human shields in their attacks on the city.

Elderly Man Dies When US Troops Fire Tear Gas At Crowd

US forces dropped tear gas on the residents of Fallujah on Sunday as they gathered trying to get into their city. As a result, one local Iraqi died. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans unleashed the tear gas after the sound of explosions and intermittent clashes were heard early Sunday morning in the ash-Shurtah neighborhood in the north of the city.

Hundreds of the people of Fallujah who had been waiting to get into the city became more insistent prompting the Americans to throw sound grenades and tear gas grenades. As a result a 65-year old local man was reportedly killed in an incident also witnessed by the crew of an Arab TV station that claimed to be impartial, but nevertheless failed to report the death due to threats from the Americans that they would not be allowed to cover further events in Fallujah if they broadcast that story.

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