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Mujahideen Pound US Troops In Fallujah; US Base Hit Outside Ramadi
by By Omar Al-Faris Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 at 2:42 PM mail:

Mujahideen Pound US Troops In Fallujah

Mujahideen Pound US Troops In Fallujah; US Base Hit Outside Ramadi
Jan 06, 2005
By Omar Al-Faris, JUS

Wednesday turned out to be a difficult day indeed for US occupation forces in the residential area of northern Fallujah. Mujahideen relentlessly bombed US positions with Tariq and Grad rockets throughout the day. The offensive began at 12:10pm Wednesday with a powerful Grad rocket and a total of 16 Grad and Tariq rockets were fired throughout the day.

Meanwhile, according to Islam Memo, witnesses outside Fallujah observed a US column made up of 56 American vehicles, most of them Humvees, heading towards Fallujah. The column went into the US base in the agricultural area northeast of the city, joining up with other US troops already there as the American weight up troop deployments in the area.

Mujahideen Hit US Base East Of Ramadi With Mortars

Mujahideen also hit the US base located east of Ramadi on Wednesday with approximately 82mm mortar rounds. Islam Memo reported witnesses as saying that the mortar shells landed inside the US camp at approximately 2 pm local time and black smoke could be seen in the sky from several miles away.

US forces responded by firing their own rounds at where they thought the mortar shells were being fired from. The US counter offensive lasted approximately half an hour however all American shells reportedly landed in the Euphrates. The Mujahideen had been on the banks of the river but withdrew after completing the operation on the base which is located 4 kilometers from the river.

Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice also contributed to this report.


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by Adnkronos Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 at 2:50 PM mail:

Baghdad, 6 gen. - (Adnkronos) - Un marine americano e' stato ucciso oggi nel corso di un'operazione nella provincia occidentale irachena di Al Anbar, roccaforte degli insorti. Lo ha reso noto l'esercito statunitense in un comunicato in cui non si forniscono indicazioni ne' sul luogo dell'operazione ne' sulle circostanze dell'incidente per non aiutare ''il nemico'' a migliorare le proprie tecniche di attacco.
06-GEN-05 10:37

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Si ma
by Osservatore Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 at 8:15 PM mail:

per uno dei nostri, quanti dei vostri vanno all'inferno?
Iraq is our; let's keep on occuping the country and killing the rats out

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