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Iraq: madre e padre uccisi per soldati stadoudinensi
by q Friday, Jan. 21, 2005 at 1:22 AM mail:

Soldati stadoudinensi hanno sparato su una machina quando se avvicina a un checkpoint. En questa machina cerano 7 menbri della stesa famoglia , madre , padre e 5 bambini uno di loro ferito non molto grave .Ma la madre e il padre sono morti .Quando i bambini sono usciti dell´machina sui mani cerano sporche de sague .

Iraq: madre e padre ...
2.jpglx6k8d.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x392

US soldiers kill civilians in Tal Afar on 18 January.

US soldiers in Iraq approach a car after opening fire when it failed to stop at a checkpoint.

Inside the car were an Iraqi family of seven. The mother and father were killed but their five children in the backseat survived, one with a non-life threatening wound.

As the children get out of the car one of them screams, her hands covered in blood.

Photos-Chris Hondros-Getty Images.CNN

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