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comunicato ISM da Ramallah
by francesca Sunday, Sep. 22, 2002 at 10:21 AM mail:

L'esercito israeliano sta minacciando di far esplodere il palazzo presidenziale a Ramallah dove molti ufficiali palestinesi, incluso il presidente palestinese Yasser Arrafat, sono sotto assedio da qualche giorno.

[Ramallah, Palestine, September 22, 2002]

International Solidarity Movement

For immediate release

The Israeli Occupation Army has threatened to blow up the
Presidential compound in Ramallah where many Palestinian officials including the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat are besieged since few days.

As a reaction and expression of protest to this Israeli offensive, peaceful mass marches went out in several Palestinian areas including, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah, Askar, Gaza Jenin and Bethlehem to protest this offensive.

These marches has been shot at by the Israeli Army and turned into clashes. Reports say that there are around 50 injuries, at the moment all over the West Bank and one killed in Balata refugee camp, at least four of them are in a clinical death situation. (The injuries are mainly in Tulkarem, Jenin, Ramallah, and Balata)

This is a clear violation of International Law to be added to the
serial of violations that has been committed by the Israeli
occupation against the Palestinian people.

Israel has thus planted the last nail in the coffin of the Peace Process. As long as there is someone like Sharon in power occupation with continue, and thus, people from both nations are going to die on daily basis and this has to stop immediately.

For more info call:
1- Saif 059-335271 Askar Refuge Camp
2- George 054-351339 or 052-299310
3- Neta 067-360810 Ramallah

ISM Media Centre

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Parlando con israeliani..
by Giovanna Monday, Sep. 23, 2002 at 4:08 AM mail:

Sono con amici israeliani,ormai da un mese,qui in centroamerica..parlo con loro tutti i giorni ma l'odio e la paura arrivano agiustificare ogni violenza.Io li ascolto ma e' difficile capire,difficile giudicare e difficile credere che la situazione migliorera'.Con grande rammarico scrivo questo e spero con tutte le persone coscienziose,di criterio e di cuore che le cose si risolvano per il meglio,per tutti.Anche per coloro che non riescono a guardare oltre la paura.Perche' vivere in Israele e' avere paura della morte,tutti i giorni.Stare nei territori e' vedere tutti i giorni morte.In nessuno dei casi si pou' giustificare il terrore.Saluto a tutti

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