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Athens:Rally Against State & Media Terrorism
by Entropia from Greece Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 at 9:56 AM mail:


At 1st of October took place the “rally against state and media terrorism” organized by the Committee Against State Terrorism (participated mainly by anarchist – antiauthoritarians and some radical lefts). The rally was a response to the terror hysteria cultivated by Greek mainstream media after the arrests of “17th of November” revolutionary group members.
Greek media, apart from the terror hysteria referring to 17N, tried to present some old-aged anarchists as members of other urban guerilla groups and consider everybody speaking for the human rights of the prisoners or the political motivation of 17N as a partner or a potential terrorist. After the assaults of anarchist groups against TV crews the mainstream journalists went crazy!

The reaction of media to the rally was ridiculous. Two days before it they made reports showing anarchist squats and radical left centers, and presenting them as terrorist haunts. Athens indymedia was an aim for extended verbal attacks during talk shows and some journalists refused the right to protest and asked for direct repression.

Despite the negative climate, approximately 2.500 protesters were gathered. At the head of the rally were many old-aged anarchists that were arrested (imprisoned or freed about terror cases) during the 80s and the unmarried wife of Giotopoulos (the leader of 17N according to police). The anarchist block was participated by 800 comrades, and was the most dynamic. The protesters attacked verbally to journalists cops and deputies, also they chanted against the capita, state, repression and the white cells in Turkey. The rally ended peacefully. At the end, outside the entrance of Polytechnic School, the organizers of the rally paid tribute to the assassinated anarchists (Ch.Tsoutsouvis, M. Kaltezas, Ch. Marinos etc) by the police.

The media covered live the rally as they expected extended riots. Nothing happened, because the anarchist groups agreed to remain passive, as an attempt to block the spectacular instead of “feeding the blood lusting media”.

The media described the rally as a pro 17N rally, even though only a part of the protestors expressed their support, paid honor to assassinated urban guerillas and made jokes for the assassinated “victims” (solidarity chanting and graffiti). The prosecutor of Athens made legal actions (criminal damage and crime praising) against unknown protestors.

The rally was successful as the anarchist, especially the insurrectionalist ones, showed enough maturity in order to chose when is at our favor to use violence or not, showing that they can carry out strategic plans. Also it was the first massive action against the terror hysteria, part of the “war against terrorism” which aims to social resistance.

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Atene: manifestazione contro il terrorismo mediatico e di stato
by zumpa Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 at 12:25 PM mail:

Il primo ottobre ha preso il via il "rally against state and media terrorism" organizzato dal comitato contro il terrorismo di stato (che vede la partecipazione prevalentemente di anarchici, antiautoritari e militanti della sinistra radicale).
La manifestazione è una risposta al terrore isterico coltivato dai media mainstream greci dopo l'arresto di uno dei membri del gruppo rivoluzionario "17 novembre".
I media greci, oltra all'isteria riguardante "17 novembre", stanno dipingendo tutti gli anarchici più anziani come membri di altri gruppi dediti alla gerriglia urbana, considerano chiunque parli dei diritti umani dei prigionieri politici o delle motivazioni politiche del gruppo "17 novembre" un fiancheggiatore o un potenziale terrorista. Dopo l'assalto di un gruppo di anarchici ad una trouppe televisiva i giornalisti mainstream sono diventati pazzi!

La reazione dei media alla manifestazione è stata ridicola. Due giorni prima hanno girato dei servizi su squat anarchici e centri della sinistra radicale, e li hanno presentati come covi di terroristi.
Indymedia Atene è presa di mira da immani attacchi verbali durante talk show e alcuni giornalisti rinnegano il diritto alla protesta e chiedono la repressione diretta.

A dispetto del clima negativo, all'incirca 2500 dimostranti si sono radunati. Alla testa del corteo
c'erano un gruppetto di anarchici arrestati (imprigionati o sospettati di terrorismo) durante gli anni 80 e la compagna di Giotopoulos (il capo di "17 novembre" secondo la polizia).
Il gruppo anarchico era formato da 800 compagni ed era il più dinamico. i Dimostranti hanno attaccato verbalmente i giornalisti i poliziotti, hanno scandito slogan contro il capitale, lo stato, la repressione.
La manifestazione si è svolta pacificamente. All'arrivo davanti al Politecnico gli organizzatori della manifestazione hanno porto gli onori agli anarchici (Ch.Tsoutsouvis, M. Kaltezas, Ch. Marinos etc) assasinati dalla polizia.

I media hanno ripreso la manifestazione per intero sperando nello scoppio di tumulti. Non è successo niente perchè i gruppi anarchici hanno accettato di rimanere passivi nel tentativo di bloccare la spettacolarizzazione invece di "dare il sangue in pasto ai media"

I media hanno descritto la manifestazione come un corteo in favore del gruppo "17 novembre", sebbene solo una parte del corteo abbia espresso la propria soldarietà, tributato onore alle vittime della guerriglia urbana (canti di solidarietà e graffiti) e schernito le "vittime" assassinate.
I perseguitori hanno intentato una azione legale contro gli ignoti protestanti (danneggiamento e incitazione a delinquere).

La manifestazione è stata un successo degli anarchici, specialemnte quelli insurrezionalisti che hanno saputo dimostrare abbastanza maturità da sapere quando la violenza è a tuo favore e quando no, mostrando di sapere portare avanti i loro progetti strategici.
Inoltre è stata la prima azione di massa contro l'isteria del terrore, che è una parte della "guerra al terrorismo" che ha come bersaglio la resistenza sociale

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ancora repressione in grecia
by sabotage @ Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 at 4:54 PM mail:

ancora repressione in grecia
by AZIONE DIRETTA Friday October 11, 2002 at 04:13 PM

novità dalla grecia: continua la repressione post novembre 17;condanne per manifestazioni in solidarietà ai ribelli palestinesi e molto altro

(en) Greece, struggle
Date Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:04:42 -0400 (EDT)


A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E

things are really hotting up esp in regards to 17N. the media re crazy, with
all their wild stories and lies. two tv channels are really bad. as a result
there have been big attacks on them. cameras were smashed at a number of
demos. last tuesday we had a huge demo denouncing medias role, creating a
culture of informers, anti left hysteria. of course media said the demo was
in support of 17n not true. Felt like we are in midst of dictatorship, the
way they whipped it up frightening folk not to go, but go they did about
3000 people rocked up, no riots to their disappointment. unfortunately some
demonstrators spraypainted pro17n slogans. The following evening 20 hooded
anarchos smashed offices of a newspaper and following nite the cops did the
rounds at a number of social centres, exarhia, and picked up 60 people for
questioning, all later released. yes they killed 27 politicians, cops, cia
chief etc but what about all the others dead-30 workers have died at olympic
village this year, still no prosecution of ferry owner responsible 2 years
ago for ferry sinking and 80- dead. 17n are clearly now presenting
themselves as polit. prisoners some of them and its probably a wise move
given some people were pissed off initially when some lagged each other in.

on saturday, big anti war demo in crete as all eu defense ministers met
there, clashes with cops.
went to an anarcho fest 2 weeks ago up on a hill in exarhia with videos
(that london squatting one from after war 2) and bands, puppet show by some
spanish women comrades. lots of kids surprisingly. on saturday went to
pikrodafni social centre and met up with others.
council elections on sunday, what a load of hoo ha, demos , flags crap.
big garbo strike in saloniki at the moment and street market workers were on
strike last week over plans to force them to have tills.

Cyprus: 7 months prison sentence for anarchist Giorgos Karakasian, convicted for his solidarity with the palestinian people

In a concentration of solidarity with palestinian revolt, on April
18 in Egomi, Cyprus, there were clashes between police and
demonstrators outside the house of the israeli ambassador.
Three policemen were injured and 5 demonstrators arrested,
among them G. Karakasian and S. Maragos.
[Previous call for solidarity - April 2002 ]

On August 27, during his trial in Leukosia, G. Karakasian
stated that he doesn't intend to ask for any clemency or
forgiveness from the court and in front of a surprised and
embarrassed judge he admitted all "charges", explaining the
reasons he doesn't regret for any of them. Because of his
positions the court decided to put him in prison until the
announcement of the sentence, on September 4. His comrades
published the following leaflet:


Our comrade G. Karakasian has been a hostage of the state of
Cyprus since 27 August; of a state that calls itself democratic,
while trying with all means to repress and manipulate any form
of social struggle and anyone who actively contests it. The only
"crime" our comrade committed is that he contested the state
and the rationales originating from it. Rationales such as
apathy, squealing, servility, ... are necessary for the survival not
only of the state of Cyprus, but of every state, of every form of

Last April, in a period of massive and continuous slaughter of
the palestinian people by the zionist killers, G. Karakasian
could not be indifferent. Scorning this model of life that wants
people trapped in personal dead-ends and scraping along
(school, military service, work, retirement, death), he chose
the daily and uncompromising struggle as an attitude of life but
also as an attitude of personal dignity.

The provocation of the israeli ambassador, who decided that it
was ok to celebrate the establishment of his bloody state in the
middle of slaughtering children, was not left without an
answer. This time neither the forces of repression nor the
demonstration's "guards of order" managed to defuse the
people's rage. Of course the cops were present, dogs ready to
protect their bosses, all those scums that live as parasites
exploiting workers who try to survive under conditions that are
getting more difficult everyday.

Our imprisoned comrade G. Karakasian appeared in the court
having to face 8 charges, the three of them considered very
serious. We will say some things about them not because we
have anything to "justify" - besides, social struggle can in no
way be "judged" by the so-called "bourgeois legality". We will
talk about these accusations because we want to show the
hypocrisy and dirt of all those who have the word "justice" as a
lollipop in their mouth. To end with the illusions about who is
the Law serving.

1st ACCUSATION: "Causing severe injury to police officer". If
symbolically clutching the helmet of a cop, who few minutes
later was giving an interview in front of cameras, can be
considered as "causing severe injury", then how can we call
the arrest of our comrade by gorilla-cops who threw him in the
yard of the israeli scum's house and hit him in all parts of his
body, screaming "We fuck your anarchy" and pulling his ring
from his nose, causing him bleeding?? And the democratic
procedures didn't stop there. When G. Karakasian went back
to hospital the next day to take the file of his case, he was told
that the papers had accidentally disappeared...

2nd ACCUSATION: "causing damage to a car belonging to
one of the persons invited to the party". This specific
"gentleman" who happens to be the manager of a
multinational company and was invited to the slaughter party,
was warned by Karakasian to leave the place. But he didn't. On
the contrary he tried to drive through the demonstrators! We
think that the only reason that nothing worst happened to him
is only because social fighters are neither murderers nor
accomplices in murders like his acquaintances! The scums
talk about material damages, we talk about human lives.

3d ACCUSATION: "Possession of explosive device". This is
the ridiculous charge for possessing a bullet. It is an accusation
not worth of any comment, it just shows how vengeful is the
"civilized" and europeanized state of Cyprus, when it comes to
judge social fighters.


As comrades of G. Karakasian, we are certainly sad that he is
now hostage in the prisons of the state of Cyprus. But at the
same time we are happy to know that our comrade remains
strong and aware of the influence of this actions and positions
in the revolutionary scene of the island and generally in the
future social struggles.

Our solidarity will be present until the day they will announce
the sentence (4 September), so that the supporters of
authoritarian misery will understand that their attack against
anarchists and other people who struggle will not be without
cost. For a life of freedom, a life where everyone will be free to
enjoy everything through equality, solidarity and mutual aid.



Anarchist Group of Cyprus"

One day before the announcement of the court's decision,
comrades from the Anarchist group of Cyprus made an
intervention in Larnaka Airport, sharing leaflets and placing a
banner writing in english "Destroying poverty you destroy
capitalism - Revolt Now! - Free anarchist Giorgos
Karakasian". They spray-painted the streets around the airport
while the cops were "discreet".

Giorgos Karakasian was convicted to 7 months imprisonment
and a 100 Cyprus liras fine. In a supplementary statement
before the verdict, he said "I did what I did in full
consciousness of my responsibility, I don't regret anything, I
consider myself a political prisoner and I fight for a society
without nations and classes, without state and authority, where
all people will live according to the values of equality and
solidarity". The judge said that the only punishment he can
give him is freedom deprivation, and that the gravity of the
sentence has a dissuasive meaning, because, as he said, he
doesn' t think there's a chance that G. Karakasian will be
"corrected" or change attitude. Karakasian was taken to the
prison of Leukosia.

For communication with Anarchist Group of Cyprus:

Thessaloniki, September 6/7 2002 Demonstrations 9 months before the E.U. summit...

The opening of the 67th Thessaloniki International Expo and
the speech of the prime minister who announces there every
year the economic policy in front of the country's elite, have
triggered off a series of demonstrations from various social and
political spaces. Students, workers, farmers, residents of
Aravissos (who struggle for years against the exploitation of their
village sources), even PAOK fans...

The city was full of cops and the area around the expo
surrounded by 7000, among them riot police squads from
Athens. Friday 6, there were clashes when the police blocked a
demonstration of 200 students and workers close to the Summit
Center. Demonstrators had fights with the cops who threw gas
and made two arrests. There were small riots in smaller streets
around. 300 leftists and anarchists made a march in solidarity
with the arrested and concentration in front of the police
headquarters. The arrested had been charged and then released
late at night.

Next day, Saturday 7, there were two different demonstrations.
The first one with 250 leftists and 200 anarchists /
anti-authoritarians, and the second one 1000 people from the
European Social Forum, left groups, Aravissos villagers and an
anarchist bloc. The two demos met outside the Expo, where
members of the communist party workers front and farmers had
already gathered. The general atmosphere was quite nerveless,
but the anarchist bloc was dynamic, shouting slogans like:
"There's police in every corner - Turkey is not the only Junta",
"Cops, judges, bosses, collaborators, you are all going to pay for
the blood of Giuliani", "The state is the only terrorist",
"Repression, money, reformation will no pass - Hands off Lelas
Karayanni squat!" and others in memory of anarchists and
revolutionaries who have been murdered by the state as
terrorists, Marinos, Tsoutsouvis and Prekas...". When the
concentration was coming to an end, anarchists and other
demonstrators started moving towards the Expo with the slogan
"Cops, Pigs, Assassins" and throwing stones and sticks against
the police forces who were guarding the entrance. They also
attacked few TV journalists that were close to the people and
smashed some TV cameras.

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