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provocative book: China and the new world order
by Fultus Books Wednesday, Nov. 01, 2006 at 12:22 PM mail:

A fast developing China is creating great opportunities for the world. Learn how half million international businesses and investors conduct their business inside China.

New Book: China and the New World Order:

How Entrepreneurship, Globalization, and Border Business are Reshaping China and the World

By George Zhibin Gu

Foreword by William Ratliff

Publisher: Fultus, October 2006

Get the inside story from a Chinese journalist/consultant about China’s surge under globalization and capitalism. This second volume of a trilogy covers (1) political-economic trends; (2) Chinese multinationals vs. global giants; (3) trade, the yuan, banking, insurance, and the stock market; and (4) issues with Taiwan, the West, India, and Japan.


China is the world’s number-one growth story now. But how is it that China has achieved such quick growth in this era? How is it that made-in-China products can flood the globe? Is a trade war going to happen? Or is a new world order in the making? This second volume of a trilogy—by Chinese journalist/consultant George Zhibin Gu—aims to answer these questions and more.

Today, more than a half-million overseas companies conduct business inside China. Learn about all the opportunities this exploding market presents, including banking, insurance, and stock market, as well as the yuan and trade and cross-border business issues. Moreover, it contains extensive studies on China’s political-economic reform as well as evolving international relations.

This volume addresses eight key topics:

I. China’s New Role in the World Development
II. The Yuan, Trade, and Investment
III. China’s Fast-Changing Society, Politics, and Economy (in light of Chinese and global history)
IV. China’s Banking, Insurance, and Stock Market Reforms
V. Chinese Multinationals vs. Global Giants
VI. The Taiwan Issue: Current Affairs and Trends (federation as an alternate way for unity)
VII. India vs. China: Moving Ahead at the Same Time
VIII. The Japan-China Issue: Evolving Relations in Light of History

Today, all nations increasingly rely on one another for development, a trend that will only strengthen as time passes. As a saying goes, “The future is being shaped today.” This book will appeal to readers everywhere regardless of their particular interests.

Professor William Ratliff, Hoover Fellow at Stanford University
“Unique Guide. No one I know of has come so close to capturing (new China’s) spirit and meaning … as Gu.”

Professor Ping Chen, Peking University and University of Texas at Austin
“Not many people have time and energy to investigate basic issues confronting China and world. Dr. Gu is one exception.”

Winston Ma, Investment Banker and Author, Investing in China
“Essential reading for readers of whatever interests.”

Contemporary History Association
“Highly insightful study on Chinese multinationals on the global stage, as well as implications to global development.”

Gurus Online
“Rigorous examination on current China and global affairs by an INSIDER.”

About the Author

George Zhibin Gu, a native of Xian in central China, is a journalist/consultant based in Guangdong, China. He obtained his education at Nanjing University in China and Vanderbilt University and the University of Michigan in the United States. He holds two MS degrees and a PhD from the University of Michigan.

For the past two decades, he has been an investment banker and business consultant with an emphasis on China. His work focuses on helping international multinationals to invest in China and helping Chinese companies to expand overseas. He has worked for Prudential Securities, Lazard, and State Street Bank, among others. He generally covers mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, business expansion, and restructuring.

The author is also a journalist on China and its relations with the world. His articles or columns have appeared in Asia Times, Beijing Review, The Seoul Times, Financial Sense, Gurus Online, Money Week, Online Opinion, Asia Venture Capital Journal, and Sinomania, among others. He is a member of the World Association of International Studies hosted by Stanford University.
He has written three other books:

1. China’s Global Reach: Markets, Multinationals, and Globalization (revised edition, Fultus, 2006);

2. China and the New World Order: How Entrepreneurship, Globalization, and Border Business are Reshaping China and the World (Fultus, 2006);

3. Made in China: National and Business Players and Challengers in the 21st Century (English edition forthcoming, Fall 2007; Portuguese edition, Centro Atlantico, 2005); and

4. China Beyond Deng: Reform in the PRC (MacFarland, 1991)

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