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NON tutti i NORDAMERIKANI stanno dalla parte sbagliata!!!
by marcello Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 at 7:10 PM mail:

NON tutti i nordamerikani appoggiano la politika del terrore della kasa negra

In molte cittį nordamerikane manifestano kontro gli imperialisti ed il loro servile neo imperialismo a volte fino a 300.000 persone:come é che proprio su non se ne parli?
FORSE É CHE = adeSSo? VERGOGNATEVI!(A proposito lo sapevate che vuol dire R.A.I.?Rete Anti Informazione!)

Texans Turnout in the Rain to Protest the War Plans of the Bush Administration. Saturday, October 26, marked a day of global protest to the possibility of yet another Bush oil war, and Texans also turned out to demonstrate their desire for peace. Approximately a thousand people rallied at the capitol to listen to speakers, music and cheers encouraging a continuation of dissent that has thus far stalled the Bush administration’s plans for military action in Iraq. It was a day of hope for many in the movement, as the larger protests in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Rome, Berlin, Stockholm, Mexico City, Tokyo, and various other cities across the nation and the world turned out in numbers not seen since the Vietnam War.

It is clear that the efforts of activists and everyday people concerned about the consequences of an ill planned and unadvised war will have on global stability have led to a stall in the war rhetoric being flung around Washington, and the main stream media. Much is yet to be done as Bush and Co. are still actively pursuing international authority to preemptively strike Iraq, and continue to risk American safety from sentimental backlash.

Speakers included: Bert Sachs, the first American fined for breaking the U.S. embargo on Iraq when he brought medical supplies to the ailing Iraqi people. He spoke on how to effect change and achieve our goals. "We need to speak in peace. In order to be effective, we have to be peaceful when people are doing bad things." He went on to say that we have to consider the other side and how our actions look to the eyes of Cheney, for example. He said that we must work together so, “that we may not demonize our leaders" and in doing so "make our voices unable to be heard by the large mass of people we need to reach." He also warned against the coming dangers of life under Bush and his administration, but offered some encouragement, pointing out that as opposed to the Vietnam era were trying to stop a war before it starts, rather than after the fact. Also Rahul Mahajan, the Texas Green Party candidate for governor, Bob Jensen and others spoke at the rally.

Over 1,000 people rallied at the capitol in the cold rain today to oppose Bush's plan for another war for oil. Over 100,000 people marched in Washington, D.C., ~50,000 in San Francisco, plus numerous rallies across the U.S. and Europe, Japan, Australia, and Mexico City.
Here are some Pix from Berlin, D.C., Chicago, S.F., Spain, Stockholm, and Tokyo

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