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Sud Africa: supporto al'Argentina
by SMI - Social Movements Indaba Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002 at 4:53 AM mail:


This is a message transmitted from Dennis Brutus, South African poet jailed with Nelson Mandela during the apartheid period.
"good news for argentina - please transmit;
the SMI - Social Movements Indaba - a coalition of
activists groups - today voted to express solidarity
with the people of argentina in their action,
especially their action of december 20. In return, we
ask you to express solidrity in our actions beginning
on dec, 16 which are targetting shell oil and barclays
bank subsidiary - First National Bank. We also hope to
get support in the United States and other countries.
Fraternal greetings, Dennis Brutus; Jubilee South
Africa/ SMI - Social Movements Indaba, Johannesburg."

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