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USA su IRAQ: distruggeremo la loro volonta' di battersi
by S. Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003 at 12:23 PM mail:

Appena un vago eufemismo che poi viene chiarito oltre ogni possibile dubbio nel testo dell'articolo. Gli USA si preparano a distruggere le infrastrutture civili ed a lasciare intatte le forze militari "ogni qualvolta sia possibile".

Complici di genocidio e di crimini contro l'umanita'.

E' quello cui siamo costretti dall'arruolamento del nostro Paese voluto da Berlusconi (ma anche da Rutelli, che sostiene la guerra sia MENO che il "danneggiare" i rapporti "atlantici") nell'armata americana che si prepara a macchiarsi di crimini spaventosi in Iraq e non si cura neanche di nasconderlo.

Come si evince chiaramente dal seguente articolo Reuters, dal quale estraggo alcune informazioni catastrofiche quali le seguenti:

-- solo nel primo giorno di attacco (verso marzo) saranno lanciati dagli americani piu' missili (300-400) che nell'intero conflitto del 1991, durato 40 giorni circa.

Il che corrisponde a dire che il vero obbiettivo dell'attacco americano sono i CIVILI e le infrastrutture CIVILI.

U.S. Plans Massive Attack on Iraq - Report
Fri Jan 24, 9:40 PM ET
- Reuters to My Yahoo!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. war plan calls for the launch in March of three or four hundred cruise missiles a day at the start of a war on Iraq, more than were fired during the entire first Gulf War (news - web sites), according to a televised report on Friday.

U.S. officials and analysts have predicted for months that an attack on Iraq would be swift, massive and designed to catch Baghdad by surprise.

But the report by CBS Television, quoting Pentagon (news - web sites) sources, offers new details of Pentagon thinking at a time when the Bush administration is undergoing a military buildup and trying to persuade President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) force will be used if he does not disarm.

A Pentagon spokesman declined comment.

CBS said the battle plan, called "shock and awe," focuses on the "psychological destruction of the enemy's will to fight rather than the physical destruction of his military forces."

"If the Pentagon sticks to its current war plan, one day in March, the Air Force and Navy will launch between three and four hundred cruise missiles at targets in Iraq -- more than were launched during the entire 40 days of the first Gulf War. On the second day, the plan calls for launching another three to four hundred cruise missiles," the network reported. During the 1991 Gulf War, a U.S. led armored column swept into Kuwait and destroyed Saddam's elite Republican Guard divisions in the largest tank battle since World War II.

But this time the target is the Iraqi leadership and the battle plan is designed to "bypass Iraqi divisions whenever possible," the network reported. ((Reporting by Carol Giacomo, editing by Sandra Maler; Reuters messaging:

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