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Sud Africa contro la Guerra
by IMC sa Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 at 7:53 PM mail:

Media Release Anti-War Coalition 7 February 2003

As London and Washington intensify their calls for war,
anti-war activists around the world are mobilizing millions
of people for massive demonstrations of popular opposition
to the impending decimation of Iraq. On 15 February
2003, tens of thousands of South Africans will join an
estimated 10 million people worldwide in raising our voices
against the war. In Johannesburg, the anti-war march on 15
February is being organized by the Anti-War Coalition, an
organization that brings together nearly 70 different
community organizations, student groups, social movements,
faith based organizations, and political parties. We are
disappointed that some sections of the media have
attributed the organisation of this march to the ANC

The member organizations of the Anti-War Coalition are:

Anti-Eviction Campaign, Anti-Privatisation Forum, Athlone
Concerned Civic Residents Association, Azanian Peoples'
Organization, Black Consciousness Forum,
Bophelong Community Service Forum, Botshebelo Palestine
Solidarity Committee, Ceasefire Campaign, Concerned
Citizens Forum, Delft Concerned Residents Movement,
Democratic Socialist Movement, Environmental Justice
Networking Forum, Free Burma Campaign, Freedom of
Expression Institute, Guguletu Anti-Privatisation Forum,
Human Rights Foundation, Ikageng Crisis
Committee, Indymedia, Inner City Anti-Eviction Campaign,
Ironside Civic Movement, Islamic Action, Johannesburg
Palestine Solidarity Committee, Jubilee South Africa,
Kanana Community Development Forum, Kathorus Concerned
Residents, Keep Left, Khanya College, KTC Concerned
Residents Movement, Lakeside, Landless Access Movement of
South Africa, Landless Peoples Movement, Lavender Hill
Anti-Eviction Campaign, Lekoa-Vaal Community Forum,
Mabuluka Vukuzenzele -Pretoria,Malboro/Alex, Mandela Park
Action Youth Housing Committee, Mandela Village
Durban Deep, Media Review Network, Mfuleni Anti-Eviction
Campaign, Mohideen Civic - Potchestroom, Mothers for
Services, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Youth
Movement, Orange Farm Water Crisis Committee, Palestine
Solidarity Committee, Pan-African Congress, Riverpark
Residents Committee Rural Development Services Network,
Smallfarm Community Forum, South African Catholic
Bishops Council, South African NGO Coalition, Social
Movement Indaba, Socialist Party of Azania, Socialist
Students Movement, Soldiers Forum, Soweto
Electricity Crisis Committee, Squatter Families of Faure
Road, Strand Concerned Group, Tafelsig Anti-Eviction
Campaign, Tafelsig Concerned Parents, Tambo Square
Concerned Residents Movement, Thembelihle Crisis Committee,
Trust for Community Outreach and Education, Tshakane
Residents Committee, United Civics of South Africa,
Valhalla Park United Civic Front, Vukuzenzele Residents
Committee - Alex, Waterless Community of Fisantekraal,
Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action, Workers' Party,
Working Class Coordinating Committee -
Vaal, Youth for Work, Zamdela Palestine Solidarity

The Anti-War Coalition has a four point platform: No War
Against Iraq, No Blood for Oil, Freedom for Palestine, No
to US Imperialism.

In preparation for the march on 15 February, we will be
picketing various locations around Johannesburg throughout
the week, including ExxonMobil and Denel. We are also
holding a public meeting this evening at 7:30 at the
Mohideen Community Centre, Potchestroom for the
Potchestroom and Ikageng communities as well as in Zamdela,
Roshni, and the Inner City,among many other locations over
the next few days.

For further information contact:
Andy: 0731304966
Trevor Ngwane 0832937691
Salim Vally 0828025936
Makoma 0826829177
Naeem 0845742674

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