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MO - Ha'Aretz: 4 cops indicted for Hebron killing
by gap Friday, May. 02, 2003 at 3:39 PM mail: - 2 maggio 2003

Four Border Policemen were indicted yesterday for killing a 17-year-old Palestinian in Hebron four months ago. Three of the suspects implicated themselves.

The murder was videotaped, but the tape has apparently been destroyed, according to testimony.

The probe by the Justice Ministry's Police Investigations Unit into the suspicions against Shahar Butbika, Bassam Wahabi, Dennis al-Hazub and Yanai Lalzeh began after Haaretz reported the suspected murder.

It has now been extended to include suspicions that almost the entire Border Patrol company was involved in systematic abuse, harassment and violence against Palestinians.

Amran Abu Hamadiyah was forced into a Border Police jeep at the entrance to his house on Tariq Bin Ziyad Street, a few hundred meters from the Tomb of the Patriarchs, on December 30 at about 7 P.M, his friends testified.

Twenty minutes later, his body was found in the Hebron industrial area.

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