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29-05 ISM report
by ism>>>kry Friday, May. 30, 2003 at 11:33 AM mail:

Nablus, 29th of May 2003. At 2:30 Pm the IOF invaded the city of Nablus.

Twojeeps and one APC closed Jerusalem Street. Two jeeps
stopped at Nablus Court Street where the soldiers threw teargas towards Palestinian children and youth who were throwing stones. Seven people were injured during this confrontation.
One journalist Abed Al-Raheem Quseeni 36 years old was shot in the right leg.

We were informed that there was a house being
surrounded by three jeeps and one military ambulance.
The group made the decision to move to Al Shwaitreh
Street where the house is located. When we arrived we
were told by the neighbors that the IOF was looking for a wanted person, Abed Zamleh.

Abed was in prison when he was 15 during the first
Intifada for 6 years. During the second Intifada he got involved with the Palestinian resistance against the Occupation. According to the United Nation Resolutions people under occupation have the right to engage in armed resistance as a way to defend themselves. He was arrested for exercising his right under international law to fight for self-determination and freedom from occupation.

The IOF has accused the Palestinians of using ambulances to transport members of the armed resistance. Today we witnessed the IOF using their ambulances for military service. At 15.56 the Israeli soldiers grabbed Abed Zamleh from his family home and forced him into the military ambulance and they drove away.

Afterward we entered the family house. The interior was heavily destroyed by the IOF including electricity cables and water pipes.

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