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Palestina: contro il muro dell'apartheid
by ISM report Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003 at 4:57 PM mail:

THE WALL IS THE ISSUE Qalqiliya's farmers will march

[JAYYOUS, Qalqiliya Region] On Monday, July 14, 2003
farmers of the Qalqiliya district will march from Jayyous down to the fence that has been erected to isolate
them from their land.

This march is scheduled to coincide with a visit to the region by an aide to Palestinian Prime Minister, Mahmound Abbas as a statement by the farmers that there can be no peace and no peace process as long as this apartheid wall remains.

Dozens of international activists from around the world will join this march as part of the Freedom Summer Palestine campaign, designed to highlight the lack of freedom
of movement for Palestinians and the oppressive Israeli measures that continue, despite talk of peace and a "roadmap".

Israeli peace activists and journalists are invited to join Palestinian farmers and voice their opposition to the Israeli government's apartheid-like policies.
Marchers will gather at the Jayyous Municipality at 10AM on Monday and proceed from there.

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