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Milano Cop9- inglese
by imc italy Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 at 11:15 PM mail:

english transaltion of the feature on Cop9 traduzione inglese feature Cop9

A hot summit

In Italy carbon dioxide emissions are among the principal gases which cause
greenhouse effects and global heating. Their level had to sink at the values
of 1990. And, instead, they increased till 7,3%. the Cop 9 (Conference Of
Parties), worldwide summit on climate and climatic changes is going to
be held
just in Italy, in Milan, 1-12 Dec. It should definitively let the Kyoto
protocol be applied. This is an agreement, signed 1997, which was
supposed to
let the governments of the whole world apply the convention on climatic
changes (1992) and stop the production of gases which enlarge the greenhouse
effect, till the at the levels got thirteen years ago.
84 countries signed, 62 ratified this agreement but everything is at
standstill: the ones who pollute rule. The USA, which "produce" 5 thousand
tons of Co2 per year (while India "produces" "just" one thousand), don't
the agreement. It's not an environmental matter. The debate will be
first of
all about the application of flexible rules for the reduction and the
trade of
the emissions, about the sanctions to apply, about the usefulness of the
basins for carbon absorption, which could imply the use of genetically
modified trees. They will also talk about the role of the Worldwide Bank in
the financial protocol management. Everything will be useless if Russia
decides to accept the American pressures and doesn't sign, (supported by
and India) the Milan Mandate, which is suppsosed to be ratified in these
The management of oil, the most precious resource for the free-trade
is at stake and here's where, more than elsewhere, national and
polical balances are determined. Demonstrations are planned, to answer
to the
ones who only try to solve economical problems and to assert that the
atmosphere is a common weal of the people the earth and that oil and free
trade economy are destroying it. To remember that wee ned to break the
dependence on fossil fuels, the control of which was the main reason of the
last wars which struck the planet.

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