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NYC: grande mobilitazione contro Bush
by saigon Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004 at 2:17 PM mail:

Gią pił di duecentocinquanta arresti di massacritici che ieri hanno bloccato new york contro Bush

1010 Wins, NY - 35 minutes ago
The cyclists had snaked through Manhattan for the monthly Critical Mass ride. But what was usually a crowd of hundreds swelled to ...
250 arrested in NY cycle protest
CNN/SI - 1 hour ago
About 5,000 cyclists gathered in Union Square Park at 6 pm for "Critical Mass," a monthly bike ride around Manhattan, sponsored by environmental group "Times Up ...
Royal Bank disappoints investors
Edmonton Journal, Canada - 1 hour ago
... The bank is "fully aware" of the need to reach a critical mass in the market, he said, but "it's very tough for us to make the numbers work.". ...
NYC police arrest 250 in bicycle protest
Times Picayune, LA - 1 hour ago
... The protest began as a monthly Critical Mass bike ride, but what was usually a crowd of hundreds swelled to thousands, with organizers saying the excursion ...
250 arrested in NY cycle protest
CNN International - 1 hour ago
About 5,000 cyclists gathered in Union Square Park at 6 pm for "Critical Mass," a monthly bike ride around Manhattan, sponsored by environmental group "Times Up ...
250 arrested in NY cycle protest
CNN - 1 hour ago
About 5,000 cyclists gathered in Union Square Park at 6 pm for "Critical Mass," a monthly bike ride around Manhattan, sponsored by environmental group "Times Up ...
NYC police arrest 250 in bicycle protest, MA - 1 hour ago
... The protest began as a monthly Critical Mass bike ride, but what was usually a crowd of hundreds swelled to thousands, with organizers saying the excursion ...
National and Washington news in brief
San Jose Mercury News (subscription), CA - 2 hours ago
... The cyclists had snaked through Manhattan for the monthly Critical Mass ride. But what was usually a crowd of hundreds swelled to ...
Police arrest 250 bicyclists protesting at the Republican ...
Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates - 2 hours ago
... The protest began as a monthly Critical Mass bike ride, but what was usually a crowd of hundreds swelled to thousands with organizers saying the excursion drew ...
Some of the wonderful things that happen on a critical mass in New York.
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Some of the great stuff I saw on this critical mass:
lots of numbers, families biking together people finding creative ways to put more than one person on a bike, people on the streets and in cars who were excited to see us, wheelchairs joining the ride, awesome costumed folks, and getting to bike by Madison Square Garden. There were thousands of folks, and it was awesome all the way untill the cops started bullying everyone.

CMass in Houston today was around 10 people today, this was an amazing sight and expirience.
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cap'n Lone Star sez: "Rock on badassss bike bloc"
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