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[genoa-g8] trial against 25 demonstrators, 20th hearing, 09.28 - summary
by imc italia Saturday, Oct. 02, 2004 at 10:35 PM mail:

during this hearing the power of attorney decides, that witness Preve can watch any video-evidence. witness Amadori is not there, as he's ill. The public prosecutor demands the video directly to be included in the trial acts, and not to be shown to the witness. The judge explains furtherly how and in wchich cases the video can be included in the trial acts.


some video-sequences were supposed to be shown to witness Preve during this twentieth hearing of the process against 25 activists for devastation and pillage, in order to conclude his hearing as witness. After that witness Giacomo Amadori, a "Panorama"'s journalist, was supposed to be heard.
The public prosecutors after the last decree of the court on the use of video- evidences, have considered not necessary to show the sequences to the witness, so he has been heard for the last time, while Amadori has sent a fax asking for to be heard the day after.
The power of attorney has asked to insert in the acts the video-sequences that it wanted to show (and Preve, too), as evidences to re-build the context where the witness was . The court has given reason to the defence's objections, specifying through a writ, after that only specifically videos that help in the recognition of places people or crimes will be accepted (while explorative purposes of any kind will be excluded).

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