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by Norimberga Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 at 11:35 AM mail:

FALLUJA: GLI USA NON CE LA FANNO - la resistenza tiene una buona parte della città - ecco perchè l' Iraq è scomparso dai vari TG, siti, quotidiani da qualche giorno. centinaia di morti civili a falluja ma la resistenza tiene, ora i riflettori si riaccendono sulla nuova offensiva FIASCO a Ramadi e Mosul, bisogna cambiare zona , le notizie da Falluja sono impresentabili, moralmente ma sopratutto militarmente.

Battle For Fallujah Continues; Mujahideen Holds South, Harries US In North
Nov 20, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice and Omar al-Faris, JUS

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Fallujah, in a report posted at 9:30pm Mecca time Friday night, reported that battles between the Mujahideen and US Marines had intensified along the perimeter of the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods and the industrial zone of southern Fallujah. For the first time in four days, fighting is reported in the al-‘Askari neighborhood as well.

On Thursday, the Mujahideen broke through into the northern half of Fallujah, where the American invaders are in a stronger position, and got into the al-Muhandisin neighborhood. They then pulled back to the southern part of the city, controlled by the Resistance in what appeared to have been an attack and retreat operation.

US troops have not been able to advance into the southern half of the city for three days. Mujahideen, opened fighting yesterday in the al-‘Askari neighborhood in the east of the city after several days during which virtually no resistance activity took place there.

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent noted that US forces in their attacks on the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods on Thursday used a new type of gas, different from that used before. The new gas overcomes the victim and causes asphyxiation. Twenty bodies of victims of the gas were found in the two neighborhoods in the last four days.

It appears that the Mujahideen had come to cope with the desiccating gas used by the US forces, as fighters could be seen carrying around water-dampened cloths.

“Ya Allah! As you suspended the action of the poison given by the Jews to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), until his death, suspend the effect of the chemical and biological weapons unleashed by the friends of the Zionists on your Believers until their death. Ya Allah, produce the evidence of the war crimes committed against us in the form of the dead bodies of the non-Believers and in the form of living Believers. Aameen, Aameen, Ya Rabbil Aalameen.”

Meanwhile, US forces are still trying to comb through the northern part of Fallujah, but the Mujahideen continue to strike them with ambushes, hampering their operations. At the time of this filing, American troops had only been able to raid about 15 percent of the houses in the northern part of Fallujah. Americans mark houses that they have already raided by painting a red cross on it.

The Mujahideen appear to have decided to concentrate its efforts in the southern half of the city. They have not permitted American snipers to take up positions in the south of the city. The correspondent observed that the only US snipers on the south side of the city were on the outsides of the industrial workshops in the industrial zone and on the outsides of the houses in the ash-Shuhada’ and al-Jubayl neighborhoods. No US snipers have been able to get inside the southern part of the city.

The Mujahideen in the southern part of the city are holding up and holding together very strongly. The Battle of Fallujah is urban warfare and even though Fallujah is a small city (its length from north to south being only 4.5km and its width from east to west only 4km) the room to maneuver within the city is limited. Despite the diminutive size of the city, there are more than 1,050 tanks and armored vehicles besides the armored personnel carriers and Humvees ringing the city. This is a larger number of vehicles than encircled Baghdad during the American invasion of the country in the spring of 2003.

For Fourth Straight Day: Mujahideen Cut American Supply Lines

Iraqi Resistance forces for the fourth straight day have been able to cut the US supply lines that feed American troops besieging Fallujah. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the area reported that Mujahideen had cut the three main roads leading to Fallujah, in particular the road leading from Abu Ghurayb to Fallujah, in addition to two other routes running to the north and south.

By cutting the land routes to Fallujah, the Mujahideen are seriously obstructing the supply of the American attackers in and around the city.

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