Indymedia Italia

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Ma Falluja non era sotto il controllo Usa?
by uccialli Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004 at 8:18 AM mail:

Scontri in molti quartieri di Falluja e bombardamenti americani sulla cittą "conquistata" da settimane...

US forces have bombed Falluja as well as the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, where eight US soldiers have been wounded in clashes with Iraqi fighters. The bombing of Falluja on Sunday took place after skirmishes between US forces and fighters in the eastern parts of the town. An Iraqi journalist, Fadil al-Badrani, described the clashes as the fiercest in two weeks. Columns of smoke have been seen rising from the areas of al-Askari, al-Shuhada, al-Sinai and al-Jubail, the journalist told Aljazeera....

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