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Generale Usa ammette: "Siamo in difficoltà a Falluja"
by JUS Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004 at 6:26 PM mail:

Generale Usa ammette: "Siamo in difficoltà a Falluja"

In Fallujah: Heavy US Bombing As Fighting Rages And US General Admits Difficulties
Dec 21, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited By JUS

In a dispatch posted at 11:30pm Monday night Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that ferocious battles raged Monday morning in Fallujah from about 1:30am until 9am. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that US aircraft took part in the fighting with heavy air raids from 5am until 9am on the neighborhoods of ash-Shuhada’, al-‘Askari, al-Jubayl, and parts of al-Jawlan. Thirteen Mujahideen were martyred in the fighting and nine others wounded.

In a report filed at 11:00pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that massive explosions shook the US airbase in al-Habbaniyah west of Fallujah on Monday afternoon. Eyewitnesses said that the blasts followed a Mujahideen rocket attack on the base in which 13 powerful Tariq rockets crashed into the American facility at about 3pm Monday. The missiles hit the al-Hadbah airport which lies within the airbase, setting off numerous powerful secondary explosions. A number of secondary explosions then went off that lasted for two hours, indicating that the Mujahideen succeeded in detonating a munitions storehouse on the airbase premises.

US Marine General In Press Conference For Arabic Press Only Admits US Difficulties

US General Andrew Mill Brown, the commander of the First Brigade of the US Marines in Iraq, on Monday gave a press conference exclusively for journalists in the media of occupied Iraq and the Arabic satellite TV stations. The press conference was held in Baghdad’s Palace of Congresses (convention center).

The American general admitted that Fallujah might be an exception to the type of wards that the Americans have been waging and taking part in. He said that it would “remain a lesson for us and a turning point for changing military academic study in the United States.”

The General told Arab journalists that the Mujahideen rocket and bomb attacks held up the US military’s effort to take Fallujah and that the “fighting groups understood and discovered the one thing that can have an effect on this battle, namely transportation and supply. They succeeded in that,” the General admitted. “We have used in weapons in the Battle of Fallujah that the American army has not used from the time we entered Iraq. For example we used the Abrams M1 tank, which is a massive tank that weighs 70 tons and is equipped with a 155mm cannon. We fired thousands of laser-guided rockets and containers of cluster bombs. But these did not stop the resistance despite in a month and a half of fighting. At the beginning we didn’t expect that they would hold out for one week.”

“Today,” the American general went on, “they are fighting our soldiers with methods that differ from the methods of warfare that we have encountered in all the parts of Iraq. They booby-trap buildings, cars, streets, and even booby-trap the bodies of their fighters lying in the street, so that they will explode with shrapnel planted inside belts. Naturally, this has an effect on the morale of the American soldier.” After citing these examples, the general assurance that the American invaders would nevertheless “win” sounded hollow indeed.

Allawi Commander Admits There’s a News Blackout

A commander of the Allawi “Iraqi national guard, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Isma‘il, who took part in the offensive on the city of Fallujah in service to his American masters, admitted on Monday that there is a news blackout on the battles going on between the Mujahideen and the US occupation forces in Fallujah. The Allawi commander, in an exclusive statement to Mafkarat al-Islam said in Abu Ghurayb that the residents of Fallujah will not be able to return to their homes because of battles now raging there.

The Allawi Lieutenant Colonel said, “We must admit that. We cannot go on with the news blackout any longer.” The statement was an official admission of the embargo on news about the huge battles that have raged in Fallujah in recent days, which have been covered consistently by a handful of uncensored news sites but that have largely ignored by the Arab and international media in order not to contradict US statements on the matter.

Mujahideen Pound US Positions Sunday-Monday Night

In a dispatch at 8:55pm Monday night Mecca time, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had pounded US positions on the outskirts of Fallujah with more than 100 mortar rounds of various calibers during Sunday night and up until dawn on Monday.

Mujahideen struck a US check point on the highway north of Fallujah with more than fourteen 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds. The Mujahideen fired more than ninety-five 120mm mortar rounds on US troop concentrations outside the city during the night.

Meanwhile, fighters outside Fallujah struck US positions near the now demolished train station and in the residential area with four Grad rockets.

In other related news, Resistance fighters and US troops battled in the al-Fallahat area near Fallujah however there are no reports yet regarding the nature or extent of the battle.

Two Christian Clergymen, One Jewish Rabbi Killed In Attack

On Sunday, Iraqi Resistance fighters observed Christian clergymen and a Jewish Rabbi in Fallujah on Sunday. They had apparently arrived to try to calm the fears of American soldiers as they face the constant threat of death.

At about 7:30am Monday, the Resistance fighters swooped down on a convoy in the agricultural area 25km northeast of Fallujah that included a white, 2004 Range Rover that was carrying the two Christian clergymen and the Rabbi. Their car was preceded in the procession by two Humvees, each with four American troops aboard.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the Resistance ambush destroyed the two Humvees and the Range Rover and left the eight troops as well as the three clergymen dead. They said that the fighters wrote a message which they hung around the neck of the dead Rabbi saying, “your prayers won’t help you today.”

The witnesses said that the Rabbi was dressed in black and had a long beard and that all three clergymen couldn’t have been younger than 55.

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