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Italians, Shame On You
by Raed Jarrar Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 at 10:49 AM mail:

Get Out Of Iraq, You Are Not Welcomed.

Italians, Shame On You

Freed Italian journalist Guiliana Sgrena has accused US troops of deliberately targeting her when they fired on her convoy near Baghdad airport.

Ms Sgrena denies the car was traveling fast and says the US was deliberately trying to kill her because it opposes Italy's negotiation with her kidnappers

"Everyone knows that the Americans don't want hostages to be freed by negotiations, and for that reason, I don't see why I should rule out that I was their target," she told the Sky Italia news channel.

Hundreds of mourners have gathered in Rome to pay their respects to Mr Calipari, the Italian intelligence agent whose body was returned to Italy on Sunday. Hundreds applauded as his coffin, wrapped in the Italian flag, was taken inside Rome's Vittoriano war monument. He is to be laid to rest on Monday after a state funeral which will be broadcast live on Italian state television.

If you, Italians, had one man (killed by the US army) to pay your respect to, Iraqis are having tens of thousands of civilians that are being killed because of the war Italy is supporting.

The time has come for the Italian people to demand that their government pull out its troops from Iraq. This will be the right step to take now, to avoid further destruction in the relationship between our people.

This doesn't mean that you will be freed of the responsibility you hold for the damage caused by the illegal war on Iraq, but at least you won't be directly responsible for the atrocities that are going to happen in the future.

Get Out Of Iraq, You Are Not Welcomed.

But the White House has described the incident as an "horrific accident".

This war and occupation are a horrific accident.

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