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Iraq. attacco anti-Usa, 5 morti. Rappresaglia americana, vandalizzata la moschea.
by JUS Friday, Mar. 11, 2005 at 3:26 PM mail:

Iraq. attacco anti-Usa, 5 morti. Rappresaglia americana, vandalizzata la moschea e la tomba del Companion Of The Prophet

Bomb Kills Two; Americans Ransack Tomb Of Companion Of The Prophet
Mar 11, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited For Publication By JUS

While US style democracy continues to show its true colors inside Iraq, several attacks were reported on Thursday as more bombings were reported and the tomb of the Companion of the Prophet was desecrated. Here are just a few of the attacks in brief.

In a dispatch posted at 3:59pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier a bomb exploded by a US patrol in the Third al-Mahdiyah neighborhood in the middle of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. A member in the so-called police posted near the scene reported that the roadside bomb exploded by a US column, disabling one Humvee and reportedly killing two American troops. Two other soldiers were said to have been seriously wounded in the blast, he said.

At the time of reporting, US forces had sealed off the scene of the attack and were hauling away the wrecked vehicle and evacuating the casualties.

Police Commander Assassinated In Baghdad

Police sources reported early Thursday that Resistance fighters wearing Iraqi police uniforms killed the commander of the puppet police station in the heart of Baghdad.

Sources said that the fighters set up a checkpoint and stopped the car carrying the puppet police officer as he was on his way to work in the as-Salihiyah puppet police station. The fighters disguises as police officers asked the officer his name and then shot him dead. Also killed were two puppet policemen who were with their commander in the car.

Bomb Kills Five US Troops In Salman Bak; Tomb Of Companion Of The Prophet Ransacked

A bomb exploded by a column of several US armored vehicles in Salman Bak, south of Baghdad at 10:15am Thursday. The blast destroyed one Bradley armored vehicle and reportedly killed five US troops. Three more troops were reportedly wounded in the blast.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local witnesses as saying that the bomb was planted on the side of the road leading to the tomb of the Prophet’s Companion Salman al-Farsi. The Americans were on a daily routine patrol in the area.

After the attack, US and Iraqi puppet troops surrounded the area. They stormed into the mosque known as the Salman al-Farsi Mosque and the grave of the Companion, located 100 meters from the mosque, searching it and totally ransacking and wrecking the things inside. For all their destructive behavior, they found nothing related to the bomb attack. At the time the correspondent filed his report posted at 11:25am Mecca time Thursday, the US forces were still encircling the area of the attack.

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