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by Piera Saturday, Sep. 03, 2005 at 11:20 PM mail:

200,000 - 300,000 dead? Posted Sep 3, 2005 01:19 PM PST Category: CURRENT EVENTS If the scale of death is that great, it certainly explains why Bush would have the National Guard keep aid agencies out, why the Guard have been reported confiscating cameras and destroying them, and why aid from foreign countries was refused. Bush dares not allow anyone not totally under his control into the area with a camera. One photo of masses of dead bodies and next year's election will hand the Congress to the Democrats. Bush will immediately be impeached if for no other reason than to use that impeachment to win the White House for the Democrats in 2008. This is why the airports are working to ship the dead bodies out, rather than to transport the still living survivors. This is why there are only a few low-detail satellite images being allowed out of New Orleans.

Ci sono cataste di morti come quelle dello Tsunami.

Immagini che l'Impero americano si sta sforzando di sequestrare.

Con i dollari americani in Cisgiordania Israele sta costruendo un muro alto 9 metri e lungo 400 chilometri.
A New Orleans furono tagliati i fondi per le dighe di protezione.

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