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Immagini fresche dall'Iraq
by saigon Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005 at 1:30 PM mail:

Mica messi bene ....nella foto proteste del 24 settembre a baghdad

Immagini fresche dal...
sep24bag.jpg, image/jpeg, 449x333


Post subject: Photos From Iraq: September 23 - October 10, 2005 
Photos From Iraq: September 23 - October 10, 2005

Suicide bombers target civilians, tanks burn, more El Salvador-style killings, and bad driving gets occupiers in trouble.

note: have patience if images fail to load on the first try.

A suicide bomber attacked a public bus in the capital on the 23rd, for unknown reasons. At least five people died

An anti-occupation protest in Baghdad on the 24th. 'Iraqi Freedom Congress' is a labor group.

A member of the American-installed Interior ministry's 'al-Hussein Brigade' and detainees taken in a pre-dawn raid outside Baghdad, same day.

In Samarra, seven members of a family were killed when their home was hit with mortar rounds on the 25th.

The previous night, American soldiers and collaborators entered Sadr City, stronghold of the anti-occupation Mehdi army, and killed at least 8 people. The Americans claimed they were attacked; the Mehdi army said the Americans began firing at random and the dead were civilians.

An American armored vehicle destroyed a car in Ramadi on the 26th, as it ran from an ambush. AP didn't bother to mention what happened to the driver.

Also in Ramadi that day.

"Detainees" wait to be "processed for release" at Abu Ghraib on the 27th. The U.S. military claimed it had released 500 prisoners from its famous torture camp.

Seven men were taken by Iraqi police, bound, and shot in the head in Baghdad on the 28th. Tahir Dawood, brother of two of the victims, told AP that they had no connection to anyone involved in the war. This type of thing now happens on a daily basis in Iraq.

September 29, Baghdad.

A carbomb targetting civilians killed over 100 people in Balad September 30.

A Danish occupier was killed, and two others wounded, in a roadside bombing Basra October 1st.

A girl is taken into a hospital after she was "mistakenly shot" by Iraqi police in Baqouba on the 1st.

More "detainees" were released in a token "goodwill gesture" from Abu Ghraib, same day. For being illegally and wrongfully caged for months or even years, they received $25 and a Koran from the U.S. military.

October 2, Tikrit.

October 3 in Ramadi, after Iraqis working for the U.S. military were ambushed.

Same day at the Baghdad dump, where many people come to find subsistance.

A suicide carbomber killed two Iraqi police at the entrance to the Green Zone in Baghdad on the 4th. The man in the picture later died.

Another suicide bomber attacked a Shia mosque in Hilla, killing at least 25 people and wounding many more, on October 5.

An Iraqi woman walks away as US troops wait for a medivac helicopter after they clashed with unidentified gunmen in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday Oct. 6 2005. Clashes erupted after a US tank collided with a civilian car killing its driver, and some US soldiers were injured and evacuated by helicopter, Iraqi Police Major Mosa Abdul Karim said. (AP - photo: Hadi Mizban)

Honduran mercenaries board a bus to begin their journey to Iraq in Tegucigalpa, on the same day, where they were hired by the American company "Your Solutions".

A 'suspected insurgent' at the headquarters of the collaborationist Interior Ministry in Baghdad, on October 10.

A suicide bomber, foreground, attacked a police patrol in Baghdad on October 10, 2005. The text of the billboard reads "Iraq - A Promising Future"

News: American soldiers opened fire at random after they were hit with a roadside bomb in Beiji on the 24th, killing eight people and wounding six more. On the same day, U.S. occupiers also killed a police captain and a city council member in Duluiyah after the two reportedly shot at them.

Throughout the last couple weeks, the U.S. marines have been on a rampage in western Iraq, driving thousands of people from their homes by assaulting their cities with aerial bombing, helicopters, artillery, and gunfire. The only pictures to emerge from these events are of soldiers brandishing their guns, and with few exceptions, the "offensive" is reported entirely in the words of the U.S. military.

Check out Alive in Baghdad, the website of an independent American journalist who (hopefully) will be working in Iraq soon. With pictures - some of which are very interesting.

Photos from Iraq Archives:

September 5 - 20

August 23 - September 3

August 12 – 22

July 30 - August 10

July 15 – 29

July 1 – 14

June 13 – 28

May 27 – June 12

May 12-25

May 4 – 11

April 26 – May 3

April 13 - 24

March 28—April 10

March 21--27

March 12--20

March 1–11

February 21--28

February 11--20

February 3--10

January 25 – Feb 1

January 15--24

January 3--14

November 23--Dec 6 (2004)

November 16 – 24

November 13–18

September 25--Nov 10

September 1-21

(some photos may be broken due to external sites moving images around)

selected sources:

Yahoo Iraq photos

Getty Images> (type ‘Iraq’ and re-search)

Crisis pictures

Dahr Jamail

Please reply here if you know where more original Iraq photos, preferably with details, can be obtained.
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