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La guantanamo israeliana
by MeScAl^ina Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 6:17 AM mail:

prigioni segrete

links di riferimento:

ps:sarebbe da tradurre...

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o' mezcal
by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 6:28 AM mail:

è lunghissimo!
vedo se in giornata ci scappa un riassunto, ma non assicuro niente, cmq articolo interessante, soprattuttto per i filoisraeliani molto democratici eheheheh

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lo traduco io....
by dan Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 6:48 AM mail:

lo traduco io per tutti...cosi ki ha meno tempo ..puo'0 leggerlo cmq....
ciao ciao

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+ o -
by fuck them all Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 6:54 AM mail:

piu o meno come fanno i palestinesi con i loro ostaggi
2 mesi fa era un povero tassista che fu rinchiuso in un buco sotto terra per una settimana

come mai pero' non dite niente su quello che succede negl'altri paesi arabi, delle condizioni dei loro prigionieri. e non dimenticatevi che qui si parla di terroristi che uccidono senza pieta.

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by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 6:54 AM mail:

ottimo dan!

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+ o -
by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:25 AM mail:

a me pare non si nasconda nulla......
sai che fine ha fatto il post con la notizia di 10 (dieci) condanne a morte in Marocco per terrorismo?
nessun effetto!
Nemmeno i filoisraeliani hanno fatto una piega, doppia morale?
Se uccidono "terroristi" va' bene?
No, sempre la stessa morale, il più forte fa' quel che gli pare, e nessuno rompa le balle con cosiderazioni stupide sui diritti umani!!!!
Da notare che la notizia ha seguito di 2 giorni quella sulle 3 (tre) condanne a morte di Cuba, che ovviamente hanno scatenato un putiferio incredibile!
2 pesi e 2 misure?
Il re del Marocco è forse stato eletto democraticamente?
Nelle prigioni Marocchine si rispettano i diritti umani?
Chissenefrega, finchè il Marocco resta "allineato" i gloriosi media occidentali, paladini della "libertà" si girano dall'altra parte e sbranano l'osso cubano, dando il sangue in pasto agli "anticomunisti" sopravvissuti all'assenza delle loro intelligenze......così gira, altro che palle e sottili distinguo!

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traduzione 1a parte
by dan Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:27 AM mail:

scusate per la traduzione un po' ci sono parole complicate che non conosco.

i detenutisono rinchiusi e mantenuti in cellule annerite,non si sa dove siano, interrogati brutalmente e non si concede loro visita di alcun tipo . Dubbed 'Guantanamo israeliana 1391 ufficialmente non esiste. M., che serve nel corpo di intelligence(riservisti) , si ricorda che la prima volta è stato assegnato alla protezione dell'accampamento 1391. Prima di salire in cima alla torretta di osservazione ha ricevuto un ordine esplicito dall'ufficiale responsabile: "quando siete sulla torretta osservate avanti diritto soltanto, fuori della base ed ai lati. Che cosa accade dietro voi non sono affari vostri. Non giri per la base."
M., naturalmente, non ha potuto resistere alla tentazione di guardare dietro di . In cima alla torretta ha visto la doppia recinzione circondare l'accampamento, accludente un residuo regolato dai cani addestrati da attacco; la jeep che perlustra all'interno delle due recinzioni; i veicoli utilizzati dai membri dell' unità che equipaggia la base; e particolarmente la grande struttura in cemento armato, costruita durante il mandato britannico , quando è stata usata dalla polizia britannica e che ora sopporta una descrizione che trasporta un aura di mistero: Funzione segreta di detenzione di Israele.

Alcune persone intervistate per questo articolo chiamaronol'accampamento "Guantanamo israeliana." Ci sono in effetti determinati punti di rassomiglianza fra l'accampamento di detenzione americano a Cuba ed il luogo israeliano. . Considerando che i watchtowers della base di Guantanamo osservano davanti a se' le acque del mare caraibico, la prigione segreta in Israele è situata sul lato di una strada ordinaria nel cuore di una regione nel centro del paese.

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by dp Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:32 AM mail:

purtroppo non ho visto gli articoli.

comunque 2 riflessioni
1) non potro' che essere felice quando un terrorista (una persona che ha deciso che la morte sia la sua vita) viene condannato a morte.
2)secondo per che cos'erano le condanne a Cuba?
se erano per terrorismo a omicidio potrei anche approvare;
se erano per motivi politici o altro non approvo sicuramente.

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by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:49 AM mail:

io invece non approvo per nulla la pena di morte!
terroristi o altro
Le condanne cubane erano per "dirottamento" del battello che serviva ai tipi per scappare
ecco l'articolo intero. Il campo nel titolo è indicato come "the black hole"
abbastanza inquietante!

Inside Israel's secret prison

By Aviv Lavie

Detainees are blindfolded and kept in blackened cells, never told where they are, brutally interrogated and allowed no visitors of any kind. Dubbed 'the Israeli Guantanamo,' it's no wonder facility 1391 officially does not exist.

M, who serves in the Intelligence Corps reserves,
remembers the first time he was sent to do guard
duty at Camp 1391. Before climbing to the top of
the observation tower he received an explicit
order from the responsible officer: "When you're
on the tower you look straight ahead only, outside
the base, and to the sides. What happens behind
you is none of your business. Do not turn

M., of course, couldn't resist
the temptation and occasionally
snuck a look behind him. From
atop the tower he saw the
double fence surrounding the
camp, enclosing a compound
ruled by trained attack dogs;
the jeep that patrols inside
the two fences; the vehicles
utilized by the members of the

unit who man the base; and especially the large
concrete structure, dating from the British
Mandate period, when it was used by the British
police, and which now bears a description that
carries an aura of mystery: Israel's secret
detention facility.

Some of the people who were interviewed for this
article dubbed the camp "the Israeli
Guantanamo." There are in fact certain points
of resemblance between the American detention
camp in Cuba and the Israeli site, mainly in
relation to the legal questions that hover over
them and the gnawing doubt about whether they
are consistent with the values of democracy. In
terms of the exotic, though, we lag far behind.
Whereas the watchtowers of the Guantanamo
facility look out over the aquamarine waters of
the Caribbean Sea, the secret prison in Israel
is situated by the side of a completely
ordinary road in the heart of a bustling region
in the center of the country.

A narrow, tree-lined road ascends to the camp,
and inside it looks like any other army base:
barracks, mess hall, workshop to repair
vehicles. Even the guards are not the best the
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have available. The
guard towers and the patrols are manned, for
the most part, by graduates of the IDF's
general basic training program, who "never
carried out an assault against anything," as
one of them put it. "As always with us, there's
a lot of hoo-ha, but behind it is the usual
army chaos," an officer who served at the base
says ironically.

What really surrounds Camp 1391, more than
physical protection, is an entrenched wall of
silence. Since the 1980s, when the facility was
moved from a more southerly location to its
present site, the Israeli authorities have made
every effort to keep its very existence secret.
And even now that its existence has been
revealed, the state refuses to answer the many
questions of the world and of the Israeli
public: Where is the facility? Who is being
held there, why, and for how long? Were they
tried before being locked up in Camp 1391, or
are they awaiting trial? What are their
conditions of incarceration? In every other
lockup in Israel the answers to these and many
other questions are open and amenable to
external, legal, public and international

As far as is known, the 1391 site is the only
detention facility whose detainees don't know
where they are. If they ask, the warders may
answer, "on the moon," or "in outer space," or
"outside the borders of Israel." It is also the
only detention facility that the state prevents
the International Red Cross from visiting. Nor,
as far as can be ascertained, have Knesset
members ever visited the place, and many of the
politicians who have been asked about it in the
past few weeks said they had never heard of it
- including some who have held senior positions
in the government, such as Prof. David Libai,
who was justice minister in the government of
Yitzhak Rabin and a member of the ministerial
committee that deals with the secret services:
"I will not say a single word about the
subject, for the simple reason that I am not
familiar with it. This is the first time I have
ever heard about such a thing."

If a former justice minister doesn't know about
it, a disturbing question arises: who does? Dan
Meridor, another former justice minister and
chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and
Defense Committee, is aware of the facility's
existence: "I'm not sure there's anything wrong
here," he says. "I remember that as a minister
and as one who dealt with intelligence matters,
I visited every place I wanted to and
everything was always open to me. I know about
the existence of this facility, but I was never
there - apparently because I never asked to
visit it. I don't want to bandy words about,
because I am not familiar with the subject in
depth. There are many complex questions of
human rights involved here."

Do you think it's right that in the State of
Israel there is a facility in which people
don't know where they are, nor do their
families or lawyers?

"No. If there are people who are incarcerated
incommunicado, that doesn't seem right to me."

According to attorney Dan Yakir, the legal
adviser of the Association of Civil Rights in
Israel (ACRI), "A secret detention facility
contradicts basic principles of every democracy
- transparency and public supervision over the
governmental authorities. And those principles
are especially important in relation to the
deprivation of freedom - which is one of the
most severe infringements of human rights. The
existence of a lockup like this gives rise to a
double concern: first, of secret arrests and
`disappearances' of people; and second, an
abuse of power, unfair treatment, violence and

As will be seen, attorney Yakir's concerns are
well founded.

Stepson of army intelligence

Camp 1391 is an Israel Defense Forces facility.
Agents of the Shin Bet security service and
other security branches visit the site and
since the start of the intifada have apparently
made greater use of it than in the past, but
the facility belongs to the IDF. One of the
reasons for the wall of secrecy that surrounds
it is the fact that it is located in the center
of a military base that belongs to one of the
secret units of the Intelligence Corps - Unit
504 (according to foreign sources the unit's
name has recently been changed). Unit 504
gathers intelligence by means of the human
factor - "humint." Most of its work is done by
using agents outside Israel.

The officers in the unit, which is not large,
are known as katamim (acronym for "officers for
special tasks") and undergo two-track training.
Some of them handle agents and the others -
former members of the unit say they are those
whose skills the system isn't wild about - are
directed to the hakshabim track (interrogators
of prisoners). The unit commander is an officer
with the rank of colonel. The attitude toward
the unit is characterized by duality: on the
one hand, this is a small, seemingly elitist
unit, which carries out sensitive missions; on
the other hand, as one of the unit's members
says, "We are the stepson of army intelligence.
Sometimes you look at some of the officers and
you ask yourself whether these are the
standards the IDF assigns to these posts."

The same individual adds, "There is also a
problem about the impact of long-term service
on their mental state. To be an interrogator
you have to start out with some kind of scratch
on the brain. But the handlers, too - after a
time they also start to be handlers in their
private life. You see it in their attitude
toward women, with the family, even in the
interaction between the people in the unit."

Along with operational successes, which have
naturally remained far from the public eye, the
names of some of the unit's members have been
linked to dubious affairs in recent years. One
of the unit's commanders became criminally
entangled because of a romantic affair. Another
accidentally discharged his pistol during a
meeting with the command personnel.
Jean-Pierre Elraz, who last year was accused of
murdering Yitzhak Kvartatz, the security
coordinator of Kibbutz Manara, is a former
member of the unit (and afterward served in the
Shin Bet); so is Major Yosef Amit, who was
convicted of aggravated espionage and contact
with a foreign agent.

During the IDF's 18-year presence in Lebanon,
the members of Unit 504 were especially active
across Israel's northern border. To this day
the Lebanese press occasionally runs stories
about the arrest and trial of local agents who
operated in the service of Unit 504. In
November 1998, a Lebanese court convicted no
fewer than 57 citizens of collaborating with
Israel via the unit. The penalty for this
offense: death.

The unit's extensive activity in Lebanon placed
Camp 1391 at the center of affairs. It became
the entry gate to Israel for Lebanese,
especially those who were suspected of
membership in Hezbollah, who were transferred
to the southern side of the border. Some of
them were captured in battle, others were
abducted at Israel's initiative. The most
famous of the abductees are Sheikh Abd al Karim
Obeid, who was seized in 1989, and Mustafa
Dirani, who was brought by force to Israel in
1994. The helicopter in which members of
Sayeret Matkal, the ultra-elite reconnaissance
unit, took Obeid from his home in the town of
Jibsheet, took him directly to the gates of
Camp 1391. The next time Obeid left the camp -
apart from medical checks and to appear in
court when his detention was extended - was 13
years later. Last summer Obeid and Dirani were
moved to Ashmoret prison, near Kfar Yona in the
Netanya area.

However, well-known anti-Israel activists such
as Obeid and Dirani are not the only abductees
who have been thrown into Camp 1391. When the
soldiers of Sayeret Matkal entered Obeid's
house in the dead of night they encountered a
few other people, too, among them some of
Obeid's relatives and his bodyguard. Hashem
Fahaf, then about 20, who happened to visit the
sheikh that day to receive his blessing and
decided to stay overnight, was especially
unlucky. The soldiers bundled him into the
helicopter, too. He spent the next 11 years
incarcerated in Israel, initially in Camp 1391
and afterward in Ayalon Prison in Ramle. During
this entire period he was not tried or accused
of any crime. In the first years of his
incarceration, Israel denied he was in the
country and refused him any contact with the
outside world.

In April 2000, Fahaf, by now 31, was released by
order of the Supreme Court. Together with him
another 18 Lebanese, who according to the
official version were being held as "bargaining
chips" for the missing air force navigator Ron
Arad, were also released. The group included
two men who had been kidnapped and brought to
Israel when they were teenagers aged 16 and 17,
as well as Ghasan Dirani, a relative of Mustafa
Dirani, who developed catatonic schizophrenia
during his incarceration in Israel. At one
stage or another, all of them were held in
Camp 1391.

Inside the facility

In aerial photographs of the area in which Camp
1391 is located - as is the case with aerial
photos of other security-sensitive sites in the
country - the facility and the large building
in its center are nonexistent. Most maps of
Israel also do not cite the facility, though on
a few maps of the Nature and National Parks
Protection Authority, it is marked by means of
a letter, with no further explanation. There is
no sign on the main road directing the curious
to the camp. After we drove around the base a
couple of times and stopped a bit to take
pictures, a security vehicle was sent out to
follow us for a few kilometers. At the first
opportunity, two armed and surly security men
got out of the vehicle and barraged us with

Anyone entering the camp has to negotiate two
iron gates draped with barbed wire. The first
gate closes after the visitor enters and only
then does the second gate open. The detention
and interrogation section is located not far
from the mess hall. A person who served on the
base recalls with a smile that a poster
spelling out the main points of the Geneva
Convention hung on one of the walls of the
dining hall. The cells proceed along a
corridor; they abut one another but are
separated by thick concrete walls. The
detainees can communicate by knocking on the
walls, "and they often shout to one another,"
relates an officer who served in the facility.
"That is forbidden, but we didn't always have
the energy to deal with it."

The detainees are led into the facility
blindfolded, to prevent them from knowing where
they are. Their personal effects are taken
from them, as are their clothes and they are
given blue pants and a blue shirt. The cells
are pretty much identical, though there are two
levels of detainees: those who are in the
middle of being interrogated, who get the worst
cells and worst conditions; and those whose
interrogation has been completed.

Two of the cells are relatively large (2.5 x 4
meters), have reasonable lighting and running
water, and are therefore called the "villas" by
the prisoners. Sheikh Obeid shared one of the
"villas" with two Lebanese detainees. Two of
the solitary confinement cells are considered
the worst of the lot. They are 1.25 x 1.25
meters in size, almost completely dark, and the
walls are painted black or red. The differences
between the other cells are largely
insignificant, expressed mainly in the form of
a few basic rights that are accorded to those
whom the system no longer has any reason to
subject to psychological pressure.

The doors of the cells are made of heavy steel,
with a small crack - which can be opened only
from the outside - being the only opening to
the outside world. The cells measure about 2 x
2 meters and are made entirely of concrete on
the inside. There are no windows or any source
of external light. Abutting one of the walls is
a concrete platform that serves as a bed, with
a mattress and a blanket on it. On the wall
opposite is an orifice, a kind of pipe through
which water flows, but the tap is controlled by
soldiers outside the cell. Below the water
source is a hole in the floor that the
detainees use to relieve themselves. That, it
turns out, is a privilege. In some of the
cells, apparently those used for detainees
under interrogation, there is no place at all
to go to the toilet: the prisoners have to use
a large plastic bucket, which is emptied only
once every few days.

There are ventilation openings in the upper part
of the cells, but the main testimony to their
existence is the noise they make when they are
turned on. A lamp protected by heavy glass
casts a dim light 24 hours a day. The detainees
have no way to tell night from day. Most of the
cells are also under supervision by means of
cameras that send the images via closed-circuit
television. The majority of the prisoners are
incarcerated alone, though some of the cells
have two concrete platforms and in some cases
hold two prisoners.

The detainees receive the same food the soldiers
get. Three times a day, soldiers open the door,
bring in a dish and then close the door. The
procedure is that before the soldier enters he
knocks at the door, at which point the detainee
must place a black sack on his head and turn
around with his hands raised. The warders,
members of the Military Police who are seconded
to the facility, are not armed. Weapons may not
be introduced into the facility, to prevent a
situation in which one of the prisoners might
seize a warder's weapon. The warders are only
allowed to open the cell doors in pairs.

Once a day the detainees - those whose
interrogation has ended - are allowed out for
one hour in a small inner courtyard of sand and
vegetation. The conditions of imprisonment,
says a person who served in the facility, are
relatively reasonable. Similarly, attorney Zvi
Rish, the lawyer of Obeid, Dirani and many of
the other Lebanese who were incarcerated in the
facility in the 1990s, confirms that his
clients had no special complaints about the
conditions - referring only to the period after
their interrogation had ended. What goes on
during the interrogation process is another
story altogether, one that sheds light on one
of the darker corners of Israel.

Let George do it

On Friday evening, July 28, 1989, the
adrenaline was coursing through Camp 1391. In a
well-planned operation, Sayeret Matkal
succeeded in grabbing Sheikh Obeid from his bed
in the town of Jibsheet, about eight kilometers
north of the Israeli border. Obeid was
considered a spiritual authority in Hezbollah,
but despite the high hopes, his abduction did
not further the search for Ron Arad, who had
been missing since his plane was downed over
Lebanon three years earlier.

Soldiers who served in the facility at the time
say that in the course of time they developed
good relations with prisoner no. 801260. They
taught him Hebrew - he reached an impressive
level of fluency in the language - and he
taught them Arabic. Obeid is described as the
spiritual mentor of the prisoners and even of
the warders. "With him everything was done
quietly and with restraint, with grace and
decorum. Even the warders treated him almost
like `your honor the rabbi,'" recalls an
officer who served at the facility.

In May 1994 an honorable guest joined the order
of the Lebanese prisoners at Camp 1391: Mustafa
Dirani. He was another bargaining chip from
whom Israel hoped to extract information about
Ron Arad, or even to exchange for Arad, but he,
too, proved a disappointment. Many months of
planning preceded the abduction of Dirani, who
was head of the security division in the
Shi'ite movement Amal, and as such had been
responsible for holding Ron Arad for about two

A few days before he was seized and brought to
Israel, the interrogators of Unit 504 were
given all the intelligence material that had
been collected about him. When he arrived at
the facility there was a feeling of an imminent
breakthrough. In the first days of the
interrogation all the ranking members of the
defense establishment turned up at the facility
- prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, the chief of
staff, the director of Military Intelligence
and officials from the Mossad espionage agency
and the Shin Bet.

Dirani's interrogation began seconds after he
was grabbed. In special cases interrogators
from Unit 504 accompany a force that operates
across the lines, with the aim of taking
advantage of the abductee's initial shock. The
interrogation continued in the vehicle that
brought Dirani to his cell in Camp 1391 and
then for the next five weeks continuously
around the clock. The chief interrogators were
the unit commander, career and reservist
personnel - the latter were mobilized
especially for the mission -and above all a
major who introduced himself as George.

George, who is now 43 and lives in a small
community in the center of the country, is dark
with cropped hair, brown eyes and a solid body.
He is considered one of the unit's toughest
interrogators. The relationship that developed
between George and Dirani was the stuff of
quite a few newspaper headlines. It will
continue to engage the courts during the years
to come.

Still pending in Tel Aviv District Court is a
suit filed by Dirani against the State of
Israel and Major George concerning two
incidents in which Dirani says he was subjected
to sexual abuse. In the first case George
called in four of the soldiers who were doing
guard duty in the facility and one of them
allegedly raped Dirani at George's orders. In
another case, Dirani says in the suit, George
himself inserted a wooden stick into his

The court will have to decide whether these
events occurred. A perusal of the affidavits
that have been submitted to the court,
testimonies of officers and soldiers who served
in the facility and evidence given by other
detainees who were there paints a picture of a
horrific routine in the interrogation rooms of
Camp 1391. Within the framework of that routine
the interrogators of Unit 504 have no
compunctions about making use of extreme
measures in order to extract information -
information that in a large percentage of the
cases was not in their possession.

"I know that it was customary to threaten to
insert a stick," says T.N., an interrogator at
the facility, in testimony he gave to Military
Police investigators. "The intention was that
the stick would be inserted if the subject did
not talk ... I remember one case when something
in that style was done ... George was
interrogating one of the prisoners ... He
called in S. and me. We came into the room and
S. dropped his pants and remained in his
underwear or he made clicking noises with his
belt as though he was opening it ... S. did
this during the interrogation, when George told
[the prisoner] that he would be raped in the
ass ... I remember for certain that the
situation was threat of rape ...

"I want to add about that prisoner that he
arrived in the room naked, handcuffed and with
his head covered. S. and I were in the room and
one of us led him around the room and the other
held the stick next to his rear end, with
provocation and threat, that because he had
been caught lying the stick would be shoved up
his ass. When I say the stick was moved around
next to his rear end, the idea was to touch his
bottom with the stick and maybe even to shove
it next to the rectum so he would think we were
really going to stick it in."

Dirani's complaint, along with other testimonies
about what was going on in the interrogation
rooms of Camp 1391, opened a Pandora's box in
the army. George's line of defense was clear:
The system, he said, abandoned me; everything I
did was done with authority and authorization.
Everyone knew, everyone gave their backing, and
now everyone denies it all. To reinforce his
case, George brandishes a petition that was
signed by about 60 reserve officers and
soldiers of the unit, in which they say it is
wrong for George to have to pay a personal
price for using working methods that were
standard in the unit for many years.

What, according to George, did he in fact do
with authority and authorization? He denied the
rape and the abuse with the stick, but
confirmed many details that were reported by
Dirani and other prisoners. For example, the
fact that they often stood naked while being
interrogated. The State of Israel also denied
the rape charge in its response to Dirani's
suit, though in the legal hearings the
representative of the State Attorney's Office,
Yael Tennenbaum, confirmed that "within the
framework of a Military Police investigation
the suspicion arose that an interrogator who
questioned the complainant threatened to
perform a sexual act on the complainant." The
denial notwithstanding, George was dismissed
from the career army, in which he had served
for nearly 20 years, by order of the IDF's
judge advocate general. He claimed the system
was trying to silence him and the episode and
filed a petition to the High Court of Justice
to be reinstated into service. The petition was

Today George sits at home, declining to talk
about the case. But stains that will not soon
be erased continue to hover in the skies above
Camp 1391. Another example is the testimony of
Ahmed Ali Banjek, a Lebanese citizen who was
brought to Israel and interrogated in the
facility on suspicion of smuggling an
anti-helicopter missile into the former Israeli
security zone in southern Lebanon. Banjek was
convicted on the basis of his confession but
afterward submitted an affidavit to the
military court in Lod stating that the
confession had been extracted under torture. He
said he had been beaten with a wooden stick
between the legs, forced to sit on a wooden
stick until it penetrated into his body, made
to drink coffee mixed with ashes from
cigarettes and force-fed with large amounts of
onions and water.

In a rare judgment, the military court in Lod,
under the president of the court, Lieutenant
Colonel Elisha Caspi, found in April 1998 that
"a certain doubt remains as to whether it can
be asserted with the certainty required in a
criminal trial that his statement was made by
the defendant and signed by him." In other
words, the court did not reject Banjek's
account of the horrors that occurred in the
interrogation rooms of Camp 1391, and he was


Facility 1391: Known as "Israel's Guantanamo," and with the same type of legal questions hanging over it.
(Miki Kratsman)

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The new population

Since Israel's withdrawal from
Lebanon more than three years
ago, and certainly since the
eruption of the intifada in
September 2000, the unit has
actively employed agents among
the Palestinians in the
territories, an area that until
then was the almost exclusive
preserve of the Shin Bet. Along

with the change in the character of the unit's
activity, the population that is now brought to
the facility has also changed. As far as is
known, in the past the main, though not the
only, occupants of the facility were citizens
of foreign countries - a term that does not
include the inhabitants of the Palestinian
Authority. They included Lebanese who were
captured or abducted and brought to Israel,
Iraqis who defected from Saddam's army and
hoped to find political asylum in Israel, and
there are also stories about an Iranian or two
who were held at the facility in the past. In
the past year, and perhaps in earlier stages of
the intifada as well, Palestinians too were
incarcerated there at times. The most senior of
them, as far as is known, is Marwan Barghouti,
who was interrogated at the facility for a few

"Barghouti sat on the same chair you are now
sitting on," the interrogators said to one of
the Palestinian detainees and made fun of the
modest dimensions of the famous prisoner - "his
legs didn't even reach the floor."

The fact that Palestinians were being held at
the secret facility was revealed almost by
chance in legal discussions between the state
and Hamoked - Center for the Defense of the
Individual, a Jerusalem-based human rights
organization. Hamoked, which helps Palestinians
locate relatives who have been arrested by
Israel, wanted to know what happened to Muatez
Shahin, who was arrested last October 5 at his
home in the village of Salfit, near Nablus in
the West Bank. The IDF control center replied
that "he is not on any list."

After Hamoked and Shahin's relatives petitioned
the High Court of Justice, the state referred
them in its response to a policeman at the
Kishon detention facility. However, when they
contacted the policemen they were told that
"Shahin is being held in a secret facility that
is annexed to the Kishon facility." With that
response they went back to the court and argued
that the law and a series of legal precedents
oblige the state to inform a detainee and his
family of his exact place of incarceration.

The case of Shahin was the first in a growing
list of Palestinians who "disappeared" as
though they had been swallowed up by the earth.
Through the veteran attorney Lea Tsemel,
Hamoked continued to press the state for
answers - which arrived in bits and pieces.
Yes, the representatives of the State
Prosecutor's Office finally told the court, the
state operates a facility whose name and
location are security secrets. The state
attorneys went on to say that even though the
facility belonged to the army, the Palestinians
had been interrogated there by the Shin Bet.
However, the facility "served the Shin Bet only
temporarily, this being due to a shortfall in
places of detention ... Recently, though, the
situation changed and it was decided that the
Shin Bet no longer needs to make use of the
facility in which the petitioners were held as
a detention facility, and accordingly [the Shin
Bet] removed from the facility the detainees it
was holding there."

However, within weeks of this statement to the
court, Odit Corinaldi-Sirkis, a senior deputy
to the state prosecutor, stated that the
facility had been revived: "I wish to inform
you," she wrote on June 4 to attorney Lea
Tsemel, "that since our responses were
submitted the circumstances have changed, and
the security people have informed us that
detainees are currently being held at facility

A few days later, in her response to the court,
the representative of the State Prosecutor's
Office added more details: In the past five
years "only a few detainees" were held at the
facility, but because of the shortfall in
places of detention in the wake of Operation
Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the Shin Bet
had made use of the facility, holding residents
of the territories there for brief periods
during their interrogation. Now [two months
ago] a few detainees were being held there. The
court was also told that the facility had been
subjected to a review to ascertain the
conditions in it, and according to the State
Prosecutor's Office it met the accepted
criteria in the facilities of the Prisons

Hamoked was not satisfied with this response.
What began as an attempt to locate a few
detainees soon became a matter of legal and
democratic principle: What is the legal
authority for operating the facility? Is the
fact that its location and name are secret, and
that it is not open to external, public and
international review consistent with the letter
of the law? The state, by the way, submitted to
the court an interesting document, according to
which then defense minister Benjamin
Ben-Eliezer on April 16, 2002, signed an order
declaring facility 1391 to be a military
prison. Even if this document makes it legal to
imprison people at the site, what does it say
about the legality of the activity that was
carried out there in all the years that
preceded Ben-Eliezer's action? The answers to
all these questions will have to be provided by
the High Court of Justice, which is scheduled
to take up the issue next month.

It's very difficult to get substantive comments
about facility 1391 from officials in the
political, security or even legal spheres. A
great many politicians, some of them with a
rich security background, refused to say
anything. Amnon Shahak, who was the director of
Military Intelligence at the time of Sheikh
Obeid's abduction, and later chief of staff,
and was at one point briefly a candidate for
prime minister, says he is "not interested in
commenting on the subject." Oren Shahor, the
chief intelligence officer at the beginning of
the 1990s and today a program presenter on
radio and television, says, "I can't help you
with that."

MK Zahava Gal-On (Meretz), who has put in a
request to visit the site but has yet to
receive a reply, says, "The fact that such a
facility exists, whose location no one knows
formally, is one of the signs of totalitarian
regimes and of the Third World. It is
inconceivable that detainees do not know where
they are and that their relatives and lawyers
don't know, either; that under the auspices of
the army, the State of Israel is violating
elementary rights of detainees. Even prisoners
have rights. There are international
conventions. It is inconceivable that the state
abducts people and that there is no review or
supervision. I visited all the interrogation
facilities of the Shin Bet and there was no
problem. So what's the problem here?"

One big garbage pail

Raab Bader, a 38-year-old accountant who is
married and the father of two, was arrested
last December at his work place - an
engineering consultancy firm in Nablus. At 9:30
A.M. soldiers arrived at his office, but he
wasn't there at the time. When he got back, he
decided to wait for the soldiers, and they
returned in the afternoon and took him away.
His wife says he waited for them because he was
convinced he had done nothing wrong and wasn't
worried. She adds that he was asked by his
interrogators about his ties with wanted
individuals. Today he is in administrative
detention - arrest without trial - at Ofer Camp
near Ramallah. As he has not been brought to
trial, it is very difficult to know what he is
suspected of. What follows are extensive
excerpts from his testimony about the 42 days
he spent at facility 1391. He have the
testimony to attorney Lea Tsemel on June 12 at
Ofer Camp: "I was arrested on

By Ruth Sinai

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by xxxx(it) Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 9:14 AM mail:

io sono stato in un kibbutz a circa 500 metri da questo campo.
si vedevano molto bene che li c'era qualcosa di molto segreto e da nascondere

poi ho pensato che tipo di "accomodazioni " hanno i prigionieri israeliani rapiti da Hizballa nel Libano?
perche' quando Israele fa quello che gl'altri fanno a loro tutti si scandalizzano?
dove sono i post di condanno contro i paesi arabi che fanno anche di peggio ai loro prigionieri?
dove sone la croce rossa, amnesty international ecc ecc?
dove e' indy?
dove sei tu?

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il problema
by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 9:20 AM mail:

è che i palestinesi non hanno uno stato, non hanno prigioni dove gli israeliani non possano entrare e allora i prigionieri li mettono in cantina.
Vita da topi, chi gliela fà fare?

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by xxxx(it) Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 9:23 AM mail:

justice.jpgrrg14w.jpgvynubl.jpg, image/jpeg, 209x314

allora Abu Mazen e' un bugiardo quando dice che e' pronto ad arrestare i terroristi palestinesi,non avra dove metterli...ho forse continuera' la tradizione palestinese di giustizia? come illustrato qui

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by osservazione inutile Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 10:15 AM mail:

1 abu ha ricevuto prigioni prefabbricati dagli americani

2 sta tentando di mediare tra arafat e hamas per evitare un bagno di sangue che rafforzerebbe hamas. Ringrazia gli omicidi mirati per la manifestazione di 100000 palestinesi, ne ammazzi uno ne nascono 20. ringrazia sharon per aver assediato Ramallah ed arafat ( un anno fa) quando era ormai screditato presso i palestinesi, li ha ricompattati, ringrazia gli Usa che si sono appellati, giorni fa, ad arafat, indebolendo ancora abu

3 La linea strategica di disarmare gradualmente Hamas (vedi i tunnel) era la più logica per isolare le minoranze estremiste dal resto della popolazione. Naturalmente la risposta non è stata di andare in quella direzione.

4 parliamoci chiaro: israele preferisce avere al di là del muro uno stato islamico integralista con quale negoziare pittosto che uno stato laico e indipendente. Così come ad Hamas conviene coltivare un orticello islamico integralista per mantenere il proprio potere. Sia da una parte che dall'altra stanno compattandosi i falchi con l'unico obiettivo di spezzare le ali alle colombe laiche . capisco perchè per la prima volta l'emigrazione ebraica verso la Germania supera quella verso israele, 70000 persone hanno fatto richiesta di lasciare israele e soprattutto aumentano le organizzazione ebriache nazionali ed internazionali che contrastano questa politica di morte. Terra di massacro e ancora il governo israeliano si oppone a forze di interposizione internazionali

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by Dominic Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 10:20 AM mail:

Perchè esigere che gli israeliani siano il faro della moralità per tutti?
Due pesi due misure è vero però a sfavore degli israeliani.
La differenza è che quando queste cose vengono a galla, vengono publicati su giornali, e tutto il sistema di un regime eletto si mette in moto per far valere le leggi del paese.
Nei paesi arabi questo non accade mai e le atrocità contro il loro popolo stesso non vengono mai publicate.

"The court will have to decide whether these
events occurred. A perusal of the affidavits
that have been submitted to the court,
testimonies of officers and soldiers who served
in the facility and evidence given by other
detainees who were there paints a picture of a
horrific routine in the interrogation rooms of
Camp 1391. Within the framework of that routine..

L' articolo dice che la corte dovrà accertarsi della veracità dell'accaduto.
Deposizioni e testimonianze di ufficiali e soldati in servizio al campo assieme a prove ottenute da prigionieri stessi, presentano evidenze di terrificanti metodi d'interrogatorio nel campo 1391.

Quando si interrogano prigionieri di gruppi intenti ad insanguinare il tuo paese, per estrarre informazioni vitali che potrebbero prevenire morte e distruzione, non li si può certo trattare con i guanti.
Se ci sono individui che abusano eccessivamente i prigionieri però, essi vanno certamente arrestati e puniti e Israele lo sta facendo.

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by mazzetta Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 1:32 PM mail:

dominic, ma quando impari?
Gli Usa torturano da anni e nessuno si muove, adesso grazie all'escamotage di Guantanamo lo fanno pure alla luce del sole :-(
Se approvi la tortura, per qualsiasi "altissimo" fine sia, sei un povero barbaro, che dirti? rinasci!
Per quello delle prigioni prefabbricate,: ci sono 2 ordini di problemi.
L'Autorità Palestinese, non essendo uno stato riconosciuto, non può fare prigionieri di guerra, burocratico, assurdo, ma è così, pertanto nix Convenzione di Ginevra, Croce Rossa etc.
2° problema, vista la reale situazione sul campo, se i palestinesi mettessero i "prigionieri" nei prefabbricati in Palestina, quanto ci metterebbe l'Idf a riprenderseli?

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