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Gli assassini sono tra noi
by Freebooter Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002 at 9:57 PM mail:

Un articolo del 1996 molto attuale: A STATE OF TERROR: How many 'terrorist' groups has your government established, sponsored or networked lately? by Ben C. Vidgen

"The OAS, though, was not the only inbred resistance organisation of the era, for during the Algerian crisis another organisation came to be known. Like the OAS, it was comprised of individuals with anti-Soviet, pro-Catholic beliefs and the same desire to rid France of Charles de Gaulle. The organisation's name is not cited in the book, Target De Gaulle. However, from its listed connections to the Vatican and pro-Nazi activists, and its possession of detailed, accurate intelligence on the very inner workings of the de Gaulle Government, it is possible to surmise that the secret society cited was in fact Il Gladio.24

In 1990, Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti briefed the Italian Parliament on a secret paramilitary organisation called Il Gladio (from the Latin, meaning "sword"). He explained that Gladio had been set up in 1956 and was run by the CIA to take precautions against Communist aggression. In particular, Gladio was tasked to reduce the influence of Communism in France and Italy (later, this would include Spain) via a "strategy of tension".25
Since this revelation, journalists have unearthed the meaning behind this term. It was Gladio's tactic to make use of right-wing mercenaries and Mafia hit-men to carry out attacks that were then blamed upon the left. These attacks include the Mafia's involvement in the Red Brigade's kidnap and murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978.26 The strategy was to utilise the citizens' fear to justify the greater power of the security forces.
Gladio was also revealed to have strong ties to the former Nazi intelligence operators who, under the General Gehlen and Allen Dulles contract, were being recruited to help create America's post-war CIA.27 This would include the infamous Licio Gelli, a.k.a. "The Puppet Master" and head of the Vatican-Mafia Masonic Lodge, P2.28 It was Licio Gelli who helped to organise the "rat line" which was responsible for smuggling the Nazis out of Europe. Gelli's partner was Father Krujoslav Dragonovic, a Croatian Catholic priest and friend to Croatia's wartime leader, Dr Pavlic. While Gelli liaised with the respective intelligence agencies (which included those of America, Britain, Italy and the escaping Gestapo), Dragonovic negotiated with the Vatican for its assistance in the plan.29 For this service, Gelli and Dragonovic, as a norm, charged the fleeing Nazis 40 per cent of their wealth.30

However, Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie ("The Butcher of Lyon") was not charged, as the US Counter-Intelligence Corps picked up the tab as part of their recruitment of Barbie as an agent.31
In 1954, Gelli himself used the rat line and escaped to Argentina where he resided as a friend of Argentinian dictator General Juan Peron.32 No doubt Gelli was not lonely, for, in Argentina, Pavlic served as Peron's security adviser, while Klaus Barbie held a similar position in nearby Bolivia.33 In fact, all throughout South and Central America, the people have encountered the effects of these CIA imports. South America's legacy as home to some of the worst cases of state-induced terrorism owes much thanks to the CIA's involvement with P2.

In Europe, P2 was/is suspected of being behind Fascist attacks carried out against the left, with the design to weaken people's faith in a socialist government.34 In 1976, P2 was also suspected of being behind the assassination of Italian magistrate Vittorio Occorsio. At the time, Occorsio was investigating P2 links to neo-Nazi organisations. His death simultaneously killed his P2 investigation.35 However, former Gladio agents have attributed the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing and the 1974 and 1980 Bolognan bombings (a total of 113 deaths and over 185 injured) to the P2 organisation.36
In 1980, however, P2 was dealt a severe blow when Italian police, attempting to clarify Gelli's connection to Mafia don Michele Sindona, discovered a P2 membership-roll document bearing 962 names. The list included over 50 generals and admirals, two cabinet members, 36-plus policemen, journalists, pundits and pop stars.37 The consequences destroyed the Italian Government, and came close to ending NATO. Yet Signorina Tina Anselmi, chairman of the parliamentary commission (now suspended) into P2, is quoted in David Yallop's book, In God's Name, as stating: "P2 is by no means dead. It still has power. It is working in the institutions. It is moving in society. It has money, means and instruments still at its disposal. It still has fully operative power centres in South America. It is also able to condition, at least in part, Italian political life."38 In turn, if events in France (whose secret service prevented Gelli's arrest in 1982 by the Italian secret service) and Spain are any indicators, it would appear that this web of espionage is far from untangled.

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Gli assassini sono tra noi
by squalo Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002 at 11:55 PM mail:

Gli assassini sono t...
remix_poster.jpg, image/jpeg, 1006x756

Ecco cosa gli ebrei di merda fanno abitualmente a Jenin.

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