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Please, Mr. president Luís Inácio “Lula” Da Silva.
by P G Freitas Monday, Nov. 27, 2006 at 2:45 PM mail:

Do order to stop the eighth round of licitation of oil of the ANP, marked for november the 28th and the 29th, 2006, until specialists elaborate, the Brazilian society argues and the national congress approves, a consistent strategical planning for Brazilian oil.

Please, Mr. president Luís Inácio “Lula” Da Silva.

Do order to stop the eighth round of licitation of oil of the ANP, marked for november the 28th and the 29th, 2006, until specialists elaborate, the Brazilian society argues and the national congress approves, a consistent strategical planning for Brazilian oil.

Brazilian people is already paying 20 times more for the fuel for its automachine vehicles than, for example, the next door neighbor people of Venezuela.

There is no, thus, the minor sense in legitimizing the exportation of a resource that soon we will have to import back, much more expensive.

Moreover, as declared the secretary-executive of the Ministry of the Mines and Energy, professor Maurício Tolmasquim, before that auction,
“the potential of discovery of the offered blocks, in the sixth round of licitations of the National Agency of Petróleo (ANP), gets around to 3,3 billion barrels” and “this sixth round will be able to generate US$ investments 20 billion between 2005 and 2012”.

That round collected about US$ 292 million for goods (the promising area of oil) that will bring to the new and happy proprietor(s) esteemed net profits of about US$ 134 billion, weighed all the other expenditures*.

These numbers, Mr. president, submit the people, the nation and the Brazilian civilization to the universal demoralization and Your honor must not to allow this continues to happen.

Thank you very much,

Paulo Gustavo de Freitas,

Brazilian Citizens For A Democratic Society.

* "Who deserves filé mignon?", Tribune of the Press, April the 14th, 2004. Paulo Metri, who wrote the article, is co-author, with Brigadier General Sergio Ferolla, of the book "Not all oil is ours", published by Editora Paz e Terra.

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