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ism media report
by Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003 at 11:56 AM mail:

Soldiers Shoot At and Threaten to Kill ISM Volunteer at Checkpoint

As I write this Robin, a South African ISM volunteer, is being held at Azmut checkpoint east of Nablus.

At 10 am Robin, approached the checkpoint on his way to the village of Salem to meet a friend in there. As soon as the soldiers saw him the fired their rifles over his head and ordered him to go back.

Their commanding officer has held a gun to his chest and told him to go back to Nablus or he will be killed but Robin is refusing to acknowledge their authority.

Last week the ISM had two confrontations of a similar nature at Azmut and on Saturday 9 activists walked from Nablus to Salem in defiance of the checkpoint. Five ISM activists from Nigeria, Switzerland, France and the UK are currently traveling from Nablus to the checkpoint in support of Robin.

For further information contact:
Robin on 059 386 900 or 053 619 648 or
Myriam on 059 396 789

ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour
Occupied Palestine
Phone: +972-2-2774602
Cell: +972-67-628439

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