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Mercoledì 26 Marzo
by labb okkupato Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:10 PM mail:

L'Università degli Stranieri si attiva

Anche l'Università per gli Stranieri si attiva

Assemblea Contro La Guerra Il Collettivo degli studenti dell'Università per Stranieri nato spontaneamente all'interno della Rete Universitaria Contro la guerra indice un'assemblea alla quale tutti gli studenti e professori sono invitati a partecipare per dare il loro contributo alla mobilitazione.
The Students Commetee of University for Foreingners Spontaneously born inside the University Net against the war, oranizes an assrmblee in where all the students and teachers are invited to take part in giving their contribute to the mobilisation.
Mercoledì 26 Marzo ore 17,00 Aula 13 palazzo Gallenga War stopping

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si ma dove?
by oli Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:19 PM mail:

in quale citta?

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by babi Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:42 PM mail:

l'iniziativa sarà a perugia

solo che i ragazzi del labb okk non hanno ancora capito l'importanza di specificare la città nelle loro comunicazioni

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by WARNING Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:55 PM mail:

Iran To Be Next US
Target - CIA Report
Pakistan Tribune

LAHORE (Online) -- The next target of US after capturing Iraq will be replacement of religious government in Iran with a secular government as the US forces in Afghanistan have already started implementation on action plan in this regard.

According to reliable sources, US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had submitted a detailed 300 pages long report to President George Bush in which it was pointed out that during possible US attack on Iran religiously motivated Jehadi (holy warrior) organizations would support Iran from the border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Following this report US intelligence agencies have started actions to check any possibility of provision of support to Iran from border areas of the two neighbouring countries by organizations like Tehreek Nifaz Shariat Mohammadi and tribal leaders in Pakistan and Hizb-e-Islami of Eng. Gulbadeen Hikmatyar along with supporters of former Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Sources further revealed that operation being conducted by U.S. forces in Afghanistan on March 20 was not against Al-Qaeda rather it was against Hizb-e-Islami and possible supporters of Iran.

US intelligence agencies have also informed the US State Department about the names of organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan which could support Iran during any possible US attack and this list include names of about six organizations.

Sources also revealed that list of countries where replacement of government has been declared essential included Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba and North Korea and from this list Taliban regime has been replaced in Afghanistan while war against Iraq is going on.

Moreover, those 22 countries which are being declared threat to U.S. security could face similar US action like in Iraq if they failed to ensure disarming of their armed organizations and finishing their nuclear arsenal.

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by mimmina Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:38 PM mail:

guardate che il governo di saddam hussein non è affatto religioso. saddam hussein non ha certo instaurato una teocrazia, più che altro è un culto della personalità, ma piuttosto laico, almeno fin quando l'appello alla religione islamica non è tornato a essere trascinante in medio oriente.

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by mimmina Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:39 PM mail:

ah ho scazzato, dicevano iran non iraq. be' sì, quello in iran è religioso, non c'è che dire.

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