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Israel: Deportation orders issued against 4 peace activist, including Swedish MP
by gap Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 2:16 PM mail:

Subject: Media Alerts – Deportation orders issued against 4 peace activist, including Swedish MP

Israeli interior ministry issued a deportation order against 4 peace activists. The two Swedes, members of ISM, MP Gustav Fridolin and Freidrek are currently held in Ariel settlement police station. IWPS activists Kate and Kim are held in an interior ministry detention center in Khadera.

Back ground information:
villagers from Budrus, and their Israeli and International supporters, made a peaceful march onto Budrus lands that are set to be destroyed for the construction of the Israeli Apartheid Wall. Protesters were met by the Israeli army who physically assaulted the men, women and children present and opened fire on the crowd with over 100 rubber bullets aimed at people's heads. Tear gas was also fired. There are many injuries and approximately 10 people have been taken to the hospital. At least 4 Israelis and 6 internationals have been detained and have been threatened with arrest. Gustav Fridolin, a Swedish member of parliament is among the group of detained protesters. Israeli protester Nimrod Kerreet has been badly beaten.

Curfew was then imposed on the village, but protesters decided to continue their peace presence on their land and were met with continued violence. If this phase of the Wall construction is allowed to continue, Budrus will be largely surrounded by it and rendered an enclave without the necessary services for survival. The villagers have been peacefully resisting the advance of the wall on their land for over one month and plan to continue their non-violent civil disobedience campaign against it.

Among the protesters were Israelis from the Anarchists Against Walls group that participated in the non-violent demonstration at Masha on December 26. It was during this demonstration that Israeli activist Gil Na'amati (22), was shot with two live bullets in both legs and badly injured. An American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) was also injured by a bullet. Internationals present today were from the ISM and International Women's Peace Service (IWPS).

Currently, the village of Budrus is under curfew and the Israeli army has occupied at least one home. Gustav Fridolin along with one other Swedish activist and two American activists are being detained at the Bet Arye police station.

For more information call
Ghassan Andoni 054369975

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by New Profile – Movement for the Civil-iz Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 2:38 PM mail:


Four international activists (amongst them two from IWPS) and four Israeli activists were arrested today while trying to stop bulldozers from uprooting trees in the West Bank village of Budrus. Budrus, together with the villages of Midya, N'ilin, and Kibiya, is about to be imprisoned by the wall from all directions. The four Israelis were released after they agreed not to enter the occupied territories for 14 days. The international activists, however, were transferred to Giv'at Zeev police station where some have already had their hearings with a representative from the Ministry of Interior regarding their deportation. Kate Raphael (from IWPS) had her hearing and they want to deport her. She will try any nonviolent measure to resist her deportation, and is counting on your support. Pressure on the ministry and the minister are crucial. The four activists are:

Frederick Batzler
Katheryn Raphael (IWPS)
Gustav Fridolin
Kimberley Anne Gray (IWPS-Guest)

Please call the ministry of interior to protest at +972 (0) 2 670 1400 or fax at +972 (0) 25 666 376.



+972 (0) 67 62 83 69 (IWPS-Dunya)
+972 (0) 92 51 66 44 (IWPS-Hares House)

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