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Idiozia senza limiti
by Emerson Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 at 1:41 PM mail:

Ragazzo argentino sfregiato dopo aver saltato dentro la tana dei leoni

(dal Daily Telegraph)

Man bitten after leap into the lion's den
(Filed: 13/01/2004)

A man was mauled after he jumped into the lion enclosure at Buenos Aires Zoo and began taunting the animals.

Lucas Tomas, 22, approached one of the zoo's two lions and waved his jacket in front of it like a bullfighter's cape, according to reports.

Lucas Tomas was ordered into the enclosure by 'voices from God'
The lion reacted by pouncing on Tomas, knocking him to the ground and biting him repeatedly. Tomas was rescued after a policeman scared the lion off by firing several gunshots into the air.

Last night Tomas was recovering in hospital after suffering minor injuries to his hands, arms and face in the attack on Sunday. Doctors at the hospital said Tomas was also being treated for psychological problems.

Juan Carlos Ramares, the chief medic at Fernandez Hospital in Buenos Aires, said Tomas told the authorities that he had been ordered by "voices from God" to go into the enclosure and taunt the lions.

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...forse satana si era impossesato dell'anima del Tomas ???
by arcangelo gabrielle Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 at 2:39 PM mail:

...forse satana si e...
o.jpglxvfcj.jpg, image/jpeg, 190x275

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gabriele si scrive con una elle, ignorante
by Emerson Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 at 2:46 PM mail:

Posto su Ian Huntley (il maniaco omicida che ammazzo' 2 bambine l'anno scorso).

Invece che commentare il post, un cretino risponde con un immagine cretina anti-Sharon.

Posto sullo Zimbabwe.

Invece che commentare il post, un cretino risponde con un immagine cretina anti-Sharon.

Posto una notizia tragicomica.

Invece che commentare il post, un cretino risponde con un immagine cretina anti-Sharon.

Qualcuno comincia a notare un trend?

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