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Vigilance 1.0 - Il videogioco sulla videosorveglianza...
by info Wednesday, Sep. 22, 2004 at 2:12 PM mail:

Prevented from using his critical sense by the lure of success, the player faces a double bind : while he still plays the part of the unrelenting lover of justice, he becomes conscious that to play the game is in a way to play against the discourse of the game. At the end, the denunciation of a controlled society, the total visibility and spying, puts him in a position of self-denunciation.

Vigilance 1.0 - Il v...
image_vigilance.gif, image/gif, 772x581

The player faces a series of screens allowing him to watch over many places in the same time : streets, supermarkets, parking lots, shops, apartment buildings, schools, etc. Denouncement is his aim. In a limited time (his work time), he has to point out the most important amount of infractions : robberies, pocket-pickings, burglaries, shop-lifts, breaches of the highway code, trash-abandoning, drug dealing, solicitation on a public place, procuring, drunkenness, sexual harassment, adultery, incest, pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc. Each time the player catch one in the act, his points increase ; each time he defames, they lower. Each citizen being a virtual offender, all unpunished infractions increase the rate of amorality of the society.

A mere vigilance would lead to a moral purification, and back to the spirit of effort, family, solidarity. An inadequate vigilance would necessarily plunge the population into chaos and depravity.

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