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Jul 20, 2002
by IMC Italy Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002 at 6:25 PM mail:


July 20, one year after.
In the streets again. Same people, same mood. Something anyway has changed: we now know how the police worked then, what really happened in piazza Alimonda, in which way was modified reality, and why the black block were exploited by the media and the government.
People are coming back to Genova to remind that nobody forget Carlo, the Diaz night, Bolzaneto jail, a march of many thousands of people even if somebody had questioned the rigth of going down in the streets, and again to remind that omission, flattening reality, delete evidences its strategic for an economy system wich is at the end and is trying to homologate the world to escape the crash.

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Carlo Guiliani
by Ran Jak Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 at 4:37 PM mail:

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We will not forget
by Ran Jak Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 at 4:54 PM mail:

Carlo Guiliani was twenty-three when Bush and his G8 lackeys flew into Genoa a year ago, when Bush called protestors 'enemies of the poor' and when Berlusconi's Carabinieri gunned Carlo down, shot him in the head and drove over his body, twice, just to be sure.

Carlo did not live to continue his history studies or to learn that Bush's military bombed an Afghan wedding party or to see Bush and Cheney squirm as the noose began to tighten on massive corporate fraud that was wiping out the savings of Mr. and Ms. Average who had believed the hype and bet their futures on the forces of greed and corruption.

Carlo did not live to witness Bush and Blair and Berlusconi trying to change the subject by plotting a full fledged war against Iraq. He did not live to see Berlusconi stomp out dissent by having state television fire his critics. He did not live to hear about the murderous catastrophe in New York or about the Bush war of civilizations which followed.

Carlo did not live to feel the grotesque descent into proto-fascist tyranny in the west as basic rights arestripped away and as government spies read the peoples' mail, eavesdrop on their private phone calls and recruit informants — millions of them — to denounce their every action.

Carlo did not live to see his friends or his family another day. He did not live to smell the sweet air again.

Carlo Guiliani was murdered a year ago but we will not forget.

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by Monika Ustad, IS Norway Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 at 9:50 PM mail:

My heart is in Genova today, though I was not able to come back to join the manifestations.

Our movement is the future. We'll meet in Firenze in October.

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Want more about last year event ?
by Tod Forster Monday, Jul. 22, 2002 at 9:52 PM mail:

Want more about last year event ?
Visit "Sang Gênes", the Genoa cybersafari (with more than 2600 pictures about the Genoa G8).

Access to "Sang Gênes" via Tod Forster Land

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