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Sull'attentato al Campus di Gerusalemme
by Manuel Molotov Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002 at 3:02 PM mail:

(Palestine Chronicle) Several Israelis Killed, Many Wounded by Hebrew University Blast, Hamas Claims Responsibility

Several Israelis Killed, Many Wounded by Hebrew University Blast, Hamas Claims Responsibility

Wednesday, July 31 2002 @ 07:41 AM GMT

JERUSALEM: Israeli authorities say there has been an explosion in the cafeteria at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The Israeli media says that the explosion was caused by a suicide bombing in a crowded cafeteria at the “Mount Scopus” campus of Jerusalem's Hebrew University.

Media reports however indicate that the blast might not be the result of a suicide bombing, but a large bomb that was planted at the scene.

Nine of the injured were in a serious condition, police said. Another 10 were suffering from shock.

The blast occurred shortly before 2:00 pm (1100 GMT) Wednesday,Israeli police said.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz said that at least five people were killed in the blast and 35 others were wounded. Israeli Television's Channel 2 however put the dead at 7 and wounded at 45.

Israeli sources report that the rescue efforts were hampered by the location of the attack, inside a building on the campus.

Hamas military wing, Izz Din Qassam claimed responsibility for the explosion at the University.

Hamas made the claim on Al Jazeera Television, saying the attack was retaliation for Israel's assassination last week of Hamas leader and the killing and wounding of many innocent civilians.

"There are a number of dead and critically injured, it's too soon to say how many. This was a very serious attack," an Israeli official was quoted by Israeli television.

“Witnesses told Israeli media that the blast was the work of a suicide bomber,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

Retaliatory attacks inside Israel were expected following a deadly attack that killed 16 people, including 10 children and the wounded of 170 more last Monday.

The attack was carried out by Israeli warplanes in Gaza City around dawn. Hamas and various Palestinian groups vowed revenge and warned of a series of retaliatory attacks against Israeli targets.

The Israeli attack was then criticized by some Israelis as well as many governments around the world.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres had then warned that innocent blood will likely to be shed as a result of the Gaza strike.

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Una italiana tra i feriti
by Marco Varelli Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002 at 6:01 PM mail:

Mi e' arrivato ora questo flash:

Italian official sources confirm that Angela Guidi (F), an Italian citizen, is listed in stable conditions at a regional hospital in Jerisalem, IR after being wounded during the recent terrorst attack.

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Progetto archivio sviluppo
by Pancho Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002 at 7:55 PM mail:

Presso questo indirizzo:è attivo un forum di discussione, approfondimento, su temi di attualità. Il forum è parte di un più ampio progetto teso allo sviluppo e al radicamento della cultura dei diritti. Per fare ciò ci si propone l'utilizzo di stumenti di vario tipo: comunicazione di eventi, dibattiti sui timi dei diritti e della loro globalizzazione. si può inoltre usufuire di un database bibliografico in espansione. il forum vuole essere elemento di scambio, e attivazione dialettica. Il tema attuale è proprio la situazione presente della Palestina.

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