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by gaiettautop y tro Friday, Aug. 02, 2002 at 5:24 PM mail:

Quando la fame è legge, il saccheggio è legittimo.

Più di 13 supermercati sono stati saccheggiati nei quartieri ai margini della città, al grido "Abbiamo Fame".
La polizia ha represso brutalmente la gente utilizzando pallottole di gomma e decine di persone sono detenute.
Il ministro degli interni Stirlin richiama alla tranquillità, mentre, tanto per tranquillizzare i leaders politici, le strade sono gremite di forze di polizia.
Il ministro dell'Economia Atchugarry vuole indebitarci fino ai nostri trisnonni, firmando l'accordo con il FMI.

E intanto, grandi ladri dai guanti bianchi, come i Peirano continuano ad essere liberi di rubare.
Quello dei Peirano è un gruppo storico dell'oligarchia uruguayana, che costruisce il suo impero dal 1940.
José Peirano Facio, uno dei patriarchi della famiglia ha prosciugato le casse del Banco Mercantil e de El Popular.
Il gruppo si è sviluppato in Argentina, fondando il Banco Velox e la catena dei Supermercati Disco; in Cile, dove è proprietario della catena Santa Isabel, con succursali in Ecuador, Paraguay e Perù; in Brasile, dove ha intentato di installare una succursale del Velox, vietata però dal Banco Central de Brasil, che supportato da informazioni della DEA e del Senato degli Stati Uniti, gli negava l'operazione finanziaria, per sospetti legati al riciclaggio dei narcodollari; in Paraguay, dove centinaia di risparmiatori del banco Aleman sono stati truffati, -la moglie del Presidente Gonzales Machi ha trasferito più di 100 milioni di dollari alle Isole Caiman-.

In Uruguay il gruppo Peirano è alla guida di imprese finanziarie come il BM Fondos, Capital AFAPS, Latinux e la casa bancaria Indumex.
Si stima che più di 300 milioni di dollari siano stati deviati al Trade & Comerse Bank delle Isole Caiman, la banca offshore del Banco Montevideo.
La Trade & Comerse Bank era attiva all'interno dei locali del Banco di Montevideo, senza nessun controllo legale.
In febbraio e marzo il Banco Central ha sovvenzionato al Banco di Montevideo approssimativamente 90 milioni di dollari: il denaro è stato utilizzato per autofinanziare le imprese del gruppo Peirano.
L'organizzazione ha inoltre assorbito da tempo la Caja Obrera, banca in cui lo stato aveva investito 400 milioni di dollari, acquistandola per la modica cifra di 5 milioni e fagocitandosi l'attivo della banca, circa 100 milioni.
Per diversi mesi, tramite la casa bancaria Indumex sono stati trasferiti all'estero circa mezzo milione di dollari al giorno.

Di fronte a una denuncia del Banco Central,- che può non essere reputato il diretto responsabile, ma c'è da chiedersi perchè non abbia controllato i traffici finanziari-, viene citato in giudizio Dante Peirano.
Davanti ai giudici testimonieranno diversi responsabili del Banco Montevideo, come Javier Carlevaro e personaggi del governo, come l'allora presidente del Banco Central, C. R. Batlle.

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azione diretta in URGUAY
by FAU Saturday, Aug. 03, 2002 at 10:20 PM mail:


The so-called neoliberal model has unfolded without limits in these two last
decades. It has globalised its content throughout most of the world. It has
shamelessly unmasked its cynical face. It has carried on producing more and
more grief for the peoples. A penetrating and merciless grief and poverty.
Its transnational companies have brazenly sown death with a cold scythe that
destroys bodies and dreams. They are financial capital, medical industries,
patent holders and weapons manufacturers among others. A coherent
articulation operating with one single intention: accumulating more wealth
and power in the hands of a few, sowing everywhere a sullen and gloomy
distress perhaps never seen before.

They went on destroying wherever they could all of the improvements and
conquests achieved in a prolonged, sacrificed and bloody grassroots chain of
struggles through a long period of history.

This occurred to many peoples in different continents. It occurred to the
peoples of Uruguay. This model of a country that the powers that be have
carried ahead with cynicism and constant evocations to "democracy" and to
"our style of life," in order to distribute wealth and power among a few. By
obeying the imperial mandates of international macro-organisations,
financial capital and the large transnational companies have left the
country empty. The banker thieves always counted with impunity for their
dirty dealings. The banks were emptied and they filled them up again so they
could carry on stealing.

In this framework arrives our "friend" Mr. Atchugarry. The "saviour" with a
Draculian smile. The "miracle" Minister. And as if in a tale of buffoons and
villains almost all declared that a ray of hope was born. They forget of the
backdrop of the stage which is what is important and do not pay attention to
old wasted Gatto Pardoism.

Our people are sinking into misery. There are no jobs, there is no food.
Hunger pangs in our guts and stings our sensibility. Our children ask for
bread that does not exist. Leftovers from the rubbish are beginning to be a
resource against imperiously painful grumble of our bodies. And the speeches
come and go, each with a different theory, all speaking of difficulties, of
saving the financial system, that it is necessary to design a policy that
attends the problems of the country. All of this was done under the timespan
of wealthy people who eat well every day, as well as other things. Repugnant
cynicism, demagogy and insensitivity abound before the situation faced by us
who are down below.

And suddenly reality arrives shouting. The people break into the
supermarkets. They take the merchandise from sixteen of them and try the
same thing without being able to in fourteen others. An explosion of hunger
that will not wait.

The official answer is that of always: repression. A major deployment of
police, in some places with guns out, shooting bullets, brandishing clubs
against young kids and women who run off with a package of flour, noodles or
rice. There are prisoners, wounded and a fifteen-year-old in a serious
medical state due to the brutal blows inflicted by the police.

And then, in this Orwellian world, the oppressor is the good guy and "les
miserables" the bad guys. The majority of the politicians and mass media put
the accent in this upsurge, in this "attack against private property". And
the "miserables" which have escaped from the pages of Victor Hugo are
treated as satanic "destabilisers" hatching out flawless schemes. They shoot
to kill against the villains who want to eat every day. They think about
Security Measure

This is a fallacy. The State and all its "legal and ideological apparatus"
have been making room for the brutal advance of all sorts of transnational
companies. Constant laws and general policies that enable companies to act
and operate. Ideas, a complete symbolic materialisation, that is being
injected daily to justify the genocide of the peoples. The designs come from
the major powers, such as the G7 (or G8), and are political-economic
projects. The model is set up through large political-economic agencies such
as the WTO, IMF, World Bank, World Development Bank. This is well-known, but
it is worthwhile to repeated it: many are the absent minded or amnesiacs who
look for magical saviours. The powers that be do not take the social
framework into account.

Considering tactics, the point of the matter, arising from the current
situation of fighting against privatisations, cannot let us lose the
perspective and focus our hopes and energies toward something distant from
grassroots needs and only good for producing and reproducing privileges as
well as repression.

The different elements of the system feed upon one another, giving shape to
this bestial and effective scheme. The social strengths of the enemy are not
limited to these hallowed circuits, although possibly so in their "effects".
These "effects" that compose a wide range of oppressed people. Changing this
perverse situation will not come through hackneyed, fraudulent and cynical
channels that the system, with ideological terrorism, suggests as the only
legitimate solution. This will be stopped only by confrontation or it will
not be stopped at all.

And then there is an extensive spectrum of social strengths and persons who,
knowing it or not, play the game of adding tiny patches so that the system
can carry on functioning as is. They shout and cry when something
unexpectedly arises that is not in their imaginary world. They are the ones
who identify themselves with the system or are the false opposition, who
functionally live in a universe of perverse fantasy. They are in general:
bankrupt people, routine politicians, the ones who today discover the eggs
of the snake and believe that they are of gold, the "mature", ingenuous
politicians, trapped in a spidersweb of symbols that now has more power than
ever, those of good intentions who make lucifer start to grin when he sees
them come along on that worn-out and well-travelled road.

A new world is emerging outside of classical structures. It knows what does
not work and seeks what does work. It will collide against certain imaginary
socio-political structures of those who consider themselves to be its
representatives or vanguards. Political, theoretical and classical blows and
sticks will appear, leaving bruised and battered heads.
It is a reality, this misery is destroying the bodies and hopes of entire
generations, already at this time murdering our children. And this is not
rhetoric but cruel, inhuman, palpable daily events.

Neither de we confuse, it would be foolish to do so. It is necessary to work
for immediate problems, for improvements, for the defence of so many
conquests trampled underfoot. But it should be treated in context, without
creating false expectations and trying work towards real lasting changes.

We will say it again. Yes, that lacerating cloak of misery is murdering our
children, and is murdering the poor in general. And each day there are more
poor. Hungry children in rags are found throughout the country. Begging for
a coin, cleaning windscreens, stealing someone's wallet, fainting from
hunger, eating rubbish, forming bands to steal from other poor, knocking on
doors to ask for food, pushing carts full of nothing, with their blood
contaminated by lead, looking for edible scraps in rubbish piles. Looking at
the world with hatred and despair, without child's play nor happiness, from
broken homes, seeing the aggressive and hostile opulence of a few. Thus are
living a great part of our children. And in a similar way, a great part of
our people.

As always, the people seek ways out and fighting is their tool. They will
thus go on processing a true strategy for urgent immediate achievements and
future dreams.

*Carajo = in this context implies a violent rejection of something.

Federacion Anaraquista Gaucha
Translation by Red Libertaria Apoyo Mutuo (RLAM)

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