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Ancora un attacco in Israele rivendicato da Hamas
by QQ7 Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002 at 11:04 AM mail:

Hamas ha rivendicato un attacco militare contro un autobus che portava a casa soprattutto soldati dopo la giornata di riposo dello Shabbat

Un autobus, partito nella mattinata di oggi da haifa e diretto a Nord di Israele, in quella che viene chiamata Galilea, č stato fatto esplodere, molto probabilmente da un suicida dell'ala militare di Hamas.
L'autobus, che portava soprattutto soldati, č esploso verso le 8.45 nei pressi di della cittadina di Safed.
Al momento si parla di 10 morti e decine di feriti tra cui 2 in condizioni gravi.
I primi soccorritori accorsi sul luogo dell'attacco hanno detto che i soldati feriti sono stati subito soccorsi da alcuni arabi-israeliani (palestinesi del 48) che si trovavano nelle vicinanze.

Per saperne di pių:

L'attacco porta il numero delle vittime israeliane a circa 600.
Dall'inizio dell'Intifada sono stati uccisi dagli israeliani oltre 1600 palestinesi.

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What can stop the cycle of violence?
by BBC International Forum Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002 at 1:59 PM mail:

At least nine people have been killed in a bus explosion in northern Israel that police suspect was carried out by a Palestinian suicide bomber.
Many others were injured in the rush-hour blast between the towns of Acre and State which blew off the roof and sides of the bus.

There are reports that it was the work of the militant Palestinian group Hamas.

It comes only days after a bomb attack in a cafeteria at Jerusalem's Hebrew University left seven dead and about 40 injured, and a suicide bomb attack on a food stand in the city, which wounded several Israelis.

Palestinian militants have vowed to retaliate for an Israeli attack on Gaza City last month in which a Hamas leader was killed along with 14 other people.

What can stop the cycle of violence in the Middle East?


It's time for a new, younger generation of Palestinians and Israelis to take the helm of the Middle East peace process

Zack, USA
I think it's time for a new, younger generation of Palestinians and Israelis to take the helm of the Middle East peace process; a generation not consumed by a selfish concern with either retaining or winning back the territorial spoils of the wars since '67; a generation unburdened by the impact those wars imparted on the egos of those who marched their peoples into them and are now called upon to find a path to peace.
Zack, USA

I believe the only solution between Israel and Palestine is for the UN to impose a state on Palestine and a new Israel state border because if we let this going on and on, the only victims will be civilians.
Mudila K, US

Israel and Palestine should work out everything on their own because the way the US is backing Israel and how (from what I read) al-Qaeda and other terrorists groups say that they're going to support Palestine, this could go even further and get worse as time goes by, and not just in the two countries.
David, Canada

It cannot be stopped unless people get rid of hatred. No security, no weapon, no fake insurance and partiality for or against one side will end it. If other nations are serious why don't they impose extra strict action and sanction on both Israel and Palestine.
pk, USA

I agree with Sam Allami, UK and Kuhan, UK Isn't this a classic example of the futility of killing for peace? As Dr Said said, a non-violent, Gandhi-style on the Palestine and Israeli sides must be started now in co-operation.
Micah, Japan

I think a possible solution would be to declare the combined territories of both Israel and Palestine a world state, under the interim rule of democratically elected judges from across the world, similar to the International War Tribunal. It is patently obvious that neither Sharon nor Arafat is capable of ending the conflict.
Craig, South Africa

Peace can be achieved if we can first demolish the extreme hatred between Sharon and Arafat. They both are taking their personal battle to the war of their generations. Change of leadership is required on both sides.
M. Siddiqui, UK

Both Israelis and Palestinians need to ask themselves, "What am I doing to further the cause of peace?" not "What do we want the other side to do before we will even think about peace?"
Jennifer, USA

Palestinian authorities should take positive steps towards arresting members of militant groups. These people could be handed over for trial at The Hague. Israel in return could begin removing Jewish settlements from the West Bank and Gaza and release any frozen Palestinian funds.
Stephen G, UK Tyne and Wear
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